Say my name.

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Author's notes: If you don't listen to the music that I add, I'm totally okay with that!! (Obviously, why should I judge?) But I think that this chapter is definitely a happy and sad feels chapter and this song really shows the emotion in the story. So I would be really happy if you choose to listen to this song while reading. :) Once again totally your choice! Enjoy <3


It's been a whole entire week since the indecent. It feels like a whole fucking eternity though, ever since he left.

It hurts.

It tears me apart.

Thinking about him.

The old hag hasn't gotten a phone call about him, at least I think. Today I woke up again, I wish I just stayed asleep forever. A coma would be better than suffering without him. Why am I thinking like this.....ugh my head hurts.....everything hurts. I get up and groggily brush my teeth. 

"Hurry up Katsuki! You need to go to school!" She squealed. Why is she so god damn happy today? Probably happy I'm out of the house. I have no energy to yell back so I just nod. After breakfast, she hurries me out and shuts the door. I stare back at the door in confusion but decided to forget it and head to school. 

A lot had changed when I had first gotten back to school. I got a dumb welcome back party, with classmates I had forgotten. But over time they saw that I wasn't the bad and mean guy I was before. I had changed, which made everyone super happy, but I didn't seem to care. Even though I was beyond depressed and sad, the management classes had helped me and I even managed to make (unwanted) friends. A girl named Chiharu who was an outgoing character who actually wasn't afraid of me even before the incident, wanted to be my friend. Apparently, she idolized me and thought I was cool. She had blonde curly hair the same colour as mine and green emerald eyes. She was very lively and adventurous, she reminded me of myself actually. She also had a twin sister in another class, they were both trying out for the UA exam as well. As much as I found her annoying she wasn't as bad as I thought so I didn't totally shut her down. Just let her hang out during break time.

A/N: Sorry....I added my OC.....I actually based her off if Katsuki and Izuku had a child so. >.0 Katsuki and Chiharu both have similar interests as well and they developed a "bro" friendship within the short week. Just wanted Katsuki to make a friend.

I  got to my desk as the bell rang and the teacher began to take attendance. I stared out the window looked at the endless amount of houses. 

"Katsuki? Katsuki!"

"What?" I turned my head to the front as the teacher called my name.

"Pay attention when I'm speaking!" 

"Okay." I nodded not wanting to deal with any shit today, even though clearly he knew where my desk was and could definitely tell if I was here or not. After she continues I turned my head back to the window. I looked down at the gate and saw a yellow taxi pull up behind the gate so I couldn't see who came out. A person came out and stopped to talk to some else in the taxi, then blurry figure approached the school as the taxi drove away.

~ Few days ago.~

Izuku's POV

My head.

My throat.

It hurts.

I slowly open my eyes to two bright happy faces staring at me. I look at them in confusion.

Am I dead?

My vision clears and I see it's Dr. Hanji and Dr. Aeson , Dr. Hanji has tears in her eyes.

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