I miss moments like these

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Author's notes: Hey guys!


I couldn't stop thinking of Izuku after he invited me for dinner. My pessimistic thoughts began to crawl back to me.

Why doesn't he trust me with his secret?

What was he hiding?

I stared at him from behind, every now and then his sleeve would hike up and bandages were visible.

Is it because he's hurting?

I focused my attention to my hand instead, staring at the tightly woven bandage that Izuku had made me the block before. I grazed my fingertips against the gauze, and looked back at Izuku. His face was intently analysing the information on the board, as he jotted down quick notes too. I smiled at his face, his lips slightly went out into a pout as he concentrated. 

I was lost in a trance as the bell rang, Izuku gathered his notebooks and supplies and put them in his bag. He got out his lunch and stood up from his chair. I didn't notice he had approached me until he was in front of my desk. 

"I've been so caught up with school and other things I haven't had time to be with you," He said sadly. "Do you want to sit on the roof top with me?" He asked and gestured to his lunch.

I nodded at him and got up from my chair to follow him to the stairs, I put my hands in my pocket and quietly walked with him. We arrived at the top of the stairs, I noticed a large dent in the metal door. We stood there looking at it.

"That must have been from when you pushed the door down." Izuku chuckled and reached for the rusty door nob, it made a squeaking noise and he managed to push the broken door open.

A gush of warm wind hit my face, I squinted as the sun shone brightly in the sky. Izuku stepped out first and took a seat against the side next to the door. I followed and we sat in silence, only the muffled sounds of city noise in the distance. He opened his lunch and began to eat quietly, I didn't have a lunch so I just sat and watched him. He noticed me staring and I quickly turned my head, he laughed and tapped my shoulder. I turned to him and his chopsticks were holding a piece of egg pointing towards me.

"You want some?" He looked at me with the most innocent eyes, I was about to protest when my stupid stomach grumbled. He chuckled again and put his food closer to me, reluctantly I opened my mouth and he plopped the fried egg into my mouth. I chewed in silence, it was a good piece of egg. We-he finished his food but neither of us got up to head back down. Like neither of us wanted to leave. 

He slowly began to lay his head against my shoulder and I didn't pull away. I had not felt his head against me since.......what felt like forever. I started to reach my hand around his shoulder and pulled him closer, he didn't retracted either. 

"I'm sorry, that I can't tell you why I'm always so busy." He said out of the blue, I didn't anwser. instead I laid my head on his. 

No one's POV

Katsuki and Izuku stayed like that for the whole lunch period, both not wanting to admit that they felt warm, safe and happy once again. Something they hadn't felt for a long time. The strong breeze cooled them down against the warm sun. Them and only them were on the vast rooftop, hidden in the shade by the exit building. They had lost track of time, living in their own world. They had always taken for granted the little happy moments in life.

Time skip-----


"Bye Kacchan! I'll see you tomorrow!" I waved bye to Kacchan but he looked down at his feet.

"Can't we walk together?" He asked, he was pouting?! Now that was ultra rare, I tempted to say yes but I was running late. Kacchan and I had accidentally slept through the period after lunch so we had to stay after school.

"I'm sorry Kacchan.....I can't...." I said apologetically, I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Then I heard a ping from my phone, I took a glance at it. It was from All Might! I smiled and put the phone away.

"Bye!" I said one last time and rushed out the door.


"Sorry Kacchan...I can't....."

Oh right he has his.....thing

As he was about to leave his phone notification went off, he looked at his phone and smiled. I wanted to yell at him and demand he tell me who that was, but Izuku rushed out the door and left me in the empty classroom. I noticed a pencil on the desk next to me and grabbed it, I gripped it tightly and chucked it across the room. Why can't he tell me? Who was that? Is he really cheating on me? No....he wouldn' t do that.....never.

That questions ate me up inside.


What if I found out?

What if I found out, without him knowing and he wouldn't have to tell me?

Then I could get this weight off my chest!

But if he was cheating on me.....no, that's out of the question.

I dashed out the door out the school and desperately searched for Izuku, in the distance I saw a mop of green hair running down the street. I ran but made sure not to get to close to him, his path led me to his house. He dashed in, I heard him greet his mother.

Was he just going home to do something?

 I was a bit surprised and slightly disappointed, but a few minutes later he dashed back out in a bright green and blue jumpsuit. He carried a water bottle as well.

Oh, so he was just running? Like working out?

But...what if it was an excuse? What if he was doing something else....but he didn't want his mom to know?

I wanted to know more about what he was really doing, so I began to follow him once again. But I stopped.

"Kacchan please trust me."

I......it would break Izuku if he found out I couldn't trust him.....I can't......I need to believe him.....

So instead I watched him run down the road as the sun begun to set.

I couldn't chase him.

I need to have faith.

Faith that he stays true to his word.

Author's notes: Yeet :) I'm just gonna put this out there. I feel like a relationship shouldn't all be just fluff, to understand each other you need to go on a bumpy ride. If you keep on hoping and searching for a fairy tale relationship it won't work out. To become stronger you need to be able to acknowledge your partners flaws and imperfections, even if you get into fights its how you solve it and keep going that make your bonds stronger. If you fight and give up on the relationship, you'll never be truly happy. Idk kinda what I'm going for, I can't just always write fluff cause that isn't a real relationship. Ones that last long are ones that have been through hell and back and survived, because no matter what you are willing to fix it to be with someone you love. Have a great day <3

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