Will you understand?

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Author's notes: Hey guys! Sorry, I haven't updated recently, I've been on HIATUS for a while because of summer school and I need to focus on not failing. THANK YOU SO MUCH for 8k 😍😍😍❤💞I'm so happy people enjoy my book! Thank you for your patience!


I know that Kacchan will find out soon enough....but I don't want him to find out just yet. I finally thought I was in a good place and had nothing to worry about, but that reassuring feeling sure didn't last long.

I tell Dr. Hanji and she promised to keep it a secret and only tell my mom. After waiting a bit longer I finally see her, she came to my room about an hour after Kacchan left. There were tears in her eyes as she dropped her bag and hugged me tighter than anyone had, whispering sorry over and over again. I trembled as I tried to hold back tears. I want to tell her its alright....but I stay quiet as I my eyes became damp. I want to tell her about my surgery but I decide to tell her when we finished having our moment.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? I can bring some things from home to make this place seem homier." Mom suggested. I shake my head with a small chuckle.

//None of that is needed right now mom, I'm just a little tired from all this is all.//

"Right! Right! Of course of course, you need sleep. You've had quite a long day after all. All right then, I shall take my leave honey, and I hope you sleep well okay?" She rambles on as she gives me one final hug and kisses my on the forehead. "Get lot's of rest so you can go see Katsuki." She adds.


-Time skip to the next day-

The next day after a long days rest mom comes back early in the morning to bring me some homemade lunch to eat later. I practice walking and getting used to using my feet again. We also talk for a while, I tell her about everything...how I felt and how I was doing mentally during all of this. Except for Kacchan telling me to kill myself. (He writes it on a whiteboard Katsuki bought him) I know its not the right thing to do, but I can't tell her. She nods as I finish telling her the truth.

"I know I can't forever forgive Katsuki for bullying you, but if what you said is true then it seems he has changed for the better." She says with a small smile and wipes her tears with a handkerchief. I nod and hold her hands together.

"Well, I know that I will NEVER forgive that damned brat." A voice says behind the door, it slides open and Mitsuki looks at me dead in the eye. Her eyes start to water. My eyes widen in pure shock and happiness. She runs towards me and gives me a big warm hug. "I'm sorry that I didn't notice this sooner, I could have stopped it." She says through angry tears. " That stupid brat...why would he hurt someone so precious as you?!" She releases me from the hug and goes to my mom. She kneels on the floor and bows. "I am so sorry for everything my son has done to Izuku! I will make sure it will never happen again, I know nothing can reverse what he did but he never intended for anything like this to happen." She says, her hair practically wiping the floor. My mom drops to the floor and hugs her.

"Mitsuki, I trust you and your son. I know that the boys are still growing and learning what's right and wrong, we can put this behind us and look into a more positive light." Mitsuki looks up at her and starts to bawl her eyes out. I look at them and let them have their private time with each other. I quietly exit the room and close the door behind me. I walked down the dull hallway of the hospital to the elevator. I press the button to the ground floor, I look down at my blue slippers. The smell of chemicals lingers in the sterile air. The doors opened and I was immediately greeted with warm sunlight through the glass doors to the entrance. I inhaled the fresh air flowing in as the doors swung open and close with people walking in and out. I walked to the door ready to open it when a hand grabs my wrist.

"Hey, Deku."


I started going on short morning walks to clear my mind to start the day. (Something anger management class has taught me.) And to get some fresh air in my system. I sit on one of the wooden benches outside looking up at the afternoon sky.

"Ready to go back inside?" Akari asked walking up to me. I sighed and slowly got up.

"Yeah, I just wanna get a drink first." I walked towards the doors and headed to the vending machine. I pressed the button for a bitter green tea drink. The loud clunk of the drink falling from the shelf was loud considering the chatters echoing in the room.

"Hey, isn't that Midoriya?" Akari asked me nudging my shoulder. I whipped my head around and sure enough, there was a small broccoli boi walking towards the hospital doors. I ran to him and grabbed his wrist.

"Hey, Deku," I said, pretty sure I had a stupid grin on my face. His eyes widened and his cheeks were painted pink and red. He waved his hands in defense I think telling me why he was here. "Hey, it's fine. I was just here to get some fresh air." He looked up at me and smiled with his adorable dimples. My hand drops from grabbing his wrist to his small hand. He mouths words I can clearly understand.

//Me too//

We stood for still for a moment holding each others hand, his hand was so warm. I felt oogling eyes on me and turned to look behind me. Akari was staring at using with her hands cupped to her cheeks.

"You guys are honestly the cutest couple ever!!" She squealed. She was about to take out her phone to take pictures but I took it from her and walked to the elevator slowly with my drink in my hand. We had to get to anger management class or else we would be late, If your wondering. Yeah, I'm still in it, EVEN THOUGH I'M COMPLETELY CALM NOW.

"Stop that!" I scolded her and turned back to Deku. "See you later." He nodded and waved at the both of us, watching Akari trying to jump and grab her phone from me as I held it up too high for her.

"Hey! Give it back!" She whined jumping higher as we walked to the elevator.

"Come on, we got to go to class," I grumbled still holding her cellphone. Deku silently chuckled.

God, he was the cutest.


I stared at Kacchan baffled, Kacchan was here?! I immediately felt my cheeks heat up and waved my hands in defense.

//I-i only went to get some fresh air! Since your mom and my mom are talking in the other room an-//

He couldn't hear what I was saying but it was as if he did.

"It's okay, I just went out to get some fresh air." He said still holding on to my wrist with a goofy smiled that I've never seen on his face. It made butterflies explode in my stomach. I nodded to him and held his hand in return and smiled to myself. We held hands for a while until Kacchan turned to Akari his nurse/current caretaker and saw her gushing at us. My cheeks turned even redder. She even told us how cute we were! Now that I thought of it I never wondered if Kacchan and I would make a cute couple......would we? My train of thought was cut when Akari was about to take out her phone and Kacchan took. They walked towards the elevator with his drink in the other hand and said goodbye to me. I waved back at them as Kacchan and Akari disappear behind the elevator's doors.

I walked out to the front of the hospital to take in the unfamiliar scene. I sat on a bench and stared into the clear blue sky. How will I tell him? I can tell him it's a vacation, but do I really want to lie? He might lose my trust, I might lose him, he might hate me! I unconsciously mumbled holding my chest tightly. But realizing that no one could hear me, I paused and took a deep breath.

Either way I would have to tell him. One way or another it's either coming out of my mouth or someone else's.


It's okay he will understand.

Author's notes: Thank you for reading! I hope you understand I will post new chapters as soon as I am free to write ad available thank you for understanding!

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