From me to you

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Author notes: Hello! I know it's been a very long time since I've actually updated but I thank everyone so much for 4k reads!!! TYSM I'm sorry if this next chapter isn't what you hoped for but it's the best I could do! I also want to thank everyone for being patient with me and letting me take my time! I really appreciate it. Also they will be discussing a lot about medical and doctor stuff, NONE OF THE STUFF I WRITE ABOUT IT WILL BE ACTUALLY REAL. So please don't attack me in the comments saying it's wrong😅😅 cause ik it is. I just want it to work with the story that's all. If things don't make sense just ask on the comments but I don't really wanna have to deal with ppl that are angry about it. Also I just wanted to add Hanji in it for fun cause I didn't know what to name the doctor so yeah. I know it's not from this anime but don't judge!(//・_・//) anyway please enjoy!


We stayed like this for what seemed like forever, holding each other tightly. Never intending to let go. His head rested on my shoulder, nuzzling against me. I gingerly bury my head into his soft curls, not used to showing this much affection. I think he was both surprised and embarrassed by my actions and moves his head to bury it in my chest, which makes me turn red. Not wanting him to see me in this state I look up at the window, flower petals continue to fall in the room. An orange hue shines against our skin, cold and dark feelings are replaced with warm and pleasant ones.

I look down at Deku because he seemed awfully still. His eyes are closed and he sleeps soundly on my shoulder. I look closely at his face for the first time, it's littered with freckles like a galaxy of stars. His peaceful expression calms me, I never realized how long his eyelashes were. His curls covered part if his eyes as a soft breeze entered. I brushed his hair out if his face not realizing that I probably had a big goofy grin on my face.

"Sorry to break you guys up love birds, but Bakugou needs to go to class." I turn to the door and see Dr. Hangi and Akari at the door.

"Wow, I haven't ever seen you grin that wide before. Or smile in the first place." Akari states as she crosses her arms and chuckles. I feel a warm feeling in my cheeks and quickly look away. Then I feel Deku stir in his sleep. Knowing that I had to go I gently lifted him up and placed him down on the bed. I fix his soft fluffy curls, pull up the covers and kiss him on the forehead out of reflex. I never thought I would be the type to do this, especially while being watched. I quickly get up like nothing happened and follow Akari out of the room before Deku wakes up.

"You're not coming?" Akari asks Dr. Hangi.

"No, I have to talk to Midoriya first, I'll catch you later." She says and waves us bye, closing the door behind her.

I hope everything is alright.


I feel the warmth of Kacchan when he embraces me, I never want to let go. I squeeze him even tighter, I rest my head I his shoulder. I feel his head rest on my head. I can feel my face turn bright red, I can't let him see me like this! I bury my head into his chest actually making my condition worst. I can feel my heart beating faster and faster, I close my eyes. And slowly drift off to sleep. I stir in my sleep, I hear voices and I feel Kacchan left me off him and lay me in bed. He pats me on the head and fixes my hair, he pulls up the covers and did something I never thought he would do. Kiss me, I can feel my cheeks grow even warmer and I try not to move. I open my eyes a little and see a blurry figure walking off.

"Don't go."

I want to say but all I can do is mouth the words as he walks out. I close my eyes again fighting back tears. I don't know why I'm being a baby right now. I feel pathetic, I'm about to drown in my sorrow when I am interrupted by someone.

"Mr. Midoriya, I have something important to ask you, I know you've been through a lot these past few days and it's a heavy subject but it is something that is important." I turn to face the owner of the voice, it's doctor Hanji. She has a worried look on her, knowing it is a serious matter I sit up eager to hear what she has to say. "We know of someone who can fix your voice." As soon as I hear those words my eyes widen, finally I can lead a normal life! "But there are conditions." She adds. I stay still. "There is a chance you might not survive the operation."

My stomach feels hollow.

"The cells in your body have only just recovered from the serious damage that you had taken, I know I've told Mr. Bakugou that it wasn't very serious but he was dealing with his own stress and recovery. Even using the nurse's quirk was not enough to quicken the healing process, and if your body takes that much or even a bit more damage it could mean potential.......complications. Your body isn't capable of reproducing blood cells as fast anymore, creating more risk. If all goes well you will have your healthy voice back, however the risk is still there." She tries to reassure me but it does quite the opposite, It makes me feel as if there is no hope. Her words seem to muddle on the back of my head like grocery store music, muffled. My vision blurs and I can feel my face heating up.

I used to dream of once, just once saying it right in front of Kacchan. I want to be able to feel those words form in my throat, roll off my tongue and out of my mouth with the biggest grin I could ever have on my face. The words that have broken my heart, torn it to pieces and let me down every time. But once, just once, maybe he will listen. Because this time it's different.

I love you

Author's notes: Thank you for reading and I hope it was okay! Sorry, it was a bit of a short chapter this time. :(

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