Here we are again

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Author's notes: Thank you for being patient X0 thankfully I had written a bit of the beginning to make it easier to write, even though I still have homework .-.

I continued to run into the woods, searching for Bakugou until out of no where, a giant shadow claw lunged from my right. I noticed it in time and just barley dodged it. I laid on the ground and attempted to get up but all at once every cell in my body felt pain. I hissed in pain as the adrenaline wore off. 

I can't move...!

I struggled but each time I tried to move pain shot through my muscles. I heard something in the bushes, Mezo had appeared and was running towards me.

"Midoriya!? Are you okay?" 

"Uh, not really," I grunted as I tried to stand up once more. 

"Here, I'll carry you, you seem to have severe injuries." Mezo suggested. I nodded and he steadied me on his back. He began to run deeper into the forest, "Fumikage and I were ambushed by a villain, as a result I lost a tentacle." He explained."Consequently the ambush caused Fumikage to lose control of Dark Shadow."

A loud roar was heard near us, Mezo turned and before us was Fumikage who was losing control of Dark Shadow. He had enlarged into a monster a high as the trees around us.

"GrgggRg Run! Hurry, or else you'll die!" Fumikage pleads, he struggles to and fights against his Quirk but it was too strong. Dark Shadow began to destroy trees around it, it turned to us and lunged forward. Mezo managed to dodge Dark Shadow and hide behind a tree.

"Please! Save the others...GRgRrrg forget about me!" He growled. All we could do was stand in shock at the power and damage Dark Shadow was creating.

"We need light to get Fumikage back to normal, it will calm Dark Shadow down and Fumikage can take control."


who do I save?

I couldn't possibly make a choice....

My own in danger...but so is Bakugou...

I can't choose!

Dark Shadow then attacks once again at us,

"Midoriya! You need to make a choice!" Mezo yelled.

"I'm sorry! I can't choose! But I have a plan!"







"Fuck! We can't beat this thing!" Katsuki cursed, he jumped away dodging the sharp teeth as it punctured the ground. He attempts to jump and fire big explosions at the villain.

"Stop! If you create an explosion it will limit our visibility." Todoroki yelled at Katsuki.

"So what the fuck am I supposed to do?"



"What the fuck was that noise!" Katsuki yelled. The villain stopped attacking and everyone looked to where the horrendous growl came from. A large figure appeared from the bushes.

"Mezo! Midoriya! What are you doing here?!" Todoroki asked as he used this opportunity to strike the villain, but the villain easily dodged his attack.  

"Todoroki! Bakugou! Thank goodness we found you," Izuku cried. 

"We need both of you to make light from your Quirks!" Mezo shouted, before they could ask why a large creature bolted through the trees. Colliding into the villain and knocking one of his teeth out. All Todoroki and Bakugou could do was stand still in shock. "We need you to create light with your Quirks to calm Fumikage's Quirk Dark Shadow down." Mezo explained quickly. Todoroki nods and turns to the villain and Dark Shadow.

Are You Satisfied? (Bakugou x Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now