Self Doubt

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Author's notes: Suuupppp idk enjoy :0


As the month went on All Might's training had gotten harder and harder, I was dared to test my limits and determination.

"You've done good today young Midoriya!"

"Huff...Thanks All Might!" All Might walked closer to me as I hunched down to catch my breath. I wiped the beads of sweat from my forehead. He patted my back and didn't even mind how sweaty the back of my shirt was.

"You've gotten stronger, more determined."

"Thank you!"

"You should get home now, it's getting dark." He says looking into the far ocean where the water met the sky.

"Thank you for today!" I said, bowing down to him. He waved goodbye as I gathered my stuff and put on my jacket.

I finally reached my house and opened the front door.

"I'm home!" I hollered, my voice echoing through the hallway.

"Welcome back!" Mom replied and ran from the kitchen to greet me. "Dinner is ready!"

"Thanks mom." I thanked her gleefully.

I washed up and made my way downstairs to eat. As I sat down mom was placing the last of the food on the table.

"So, how is Katsuki? I haven't heard from him in a while." Mom asked as she sat down.

"Kacchan? Well...he...."

That's right.

How is he doing?

Since when did I stop talking to him?

Ever since you started training.

"He's doing great." I answered as best I could.

"We should have him over some time." Mom suggested. I nodded, her question earlier still lingering in my mind.

Now that I think about it.....

He's been quiet.

That's not a Kacchan thing to do.

Have I not noticed? What could be going on? Is there something wrong? Is he angry at me? Maybe something happened at home and-

"Izuku....are you not going to eat?" Mom's voice broke my train of thought and I snapped back to reality.

"O-oh sorry!" I chuckled sheepishly and quickly finished. "I'm going to wash up for bed now." I said rising from my chair, taking my dishes to the sink and washing them.

I lay in the dark on my bed, the bright moonlight shone through my window.

I couldn't sleep a wink.

I couldn't stop thinking of Kacchan.

How did I not notice?

What a horrible boyfriend I've become.

I leaned towards my night stand and reached for my phone. The bright screen nearly blinded me as I unlocked it.

I scrolled through contacts to find Kacchan, I tapped the icon to see our texts.

Nothing recent.

I scrolled up once more.

Two months ago:

Kacchan: <Izu>

Izu: <Yes Kacchan?>

Kacchan: <Let's leave, this class is stupid>

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