Who I swore not to be

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Author's notes: HOLY its Friday already, also the major parts from the anime I'm just gonna skip and stuff cause it'll just be boring to read. I just want all of them to warm up to the rest of the class ya'know? But at the same time not waste your time and write stuff you already know. 

Today was my first day of attending UA, throughout all the emotions and in the heat of the moment.

I forgot about my worries,

I forgot about my problems.

Forget about Bakugou.

I sat at the front of the house tying my shoes, mom stood beside me watching me.

"Did you forget anything? Don't forget your handkerchief!" Mom blabbers on.

"I'm gonna be late mom!" I say as I stand up and pull my backpack straps to rest on my shoulders. She smiles and clasps her hands together.

"You've grown so much, I'm so proud, you truly look cool." She said, I blushed at her words.

"I'm off!" I say and leave the house, she waves back as I start walking down the street.





"Class 1-A....1-A...." I walked through the wide hallway struggling to find my class. "Ah!" I was face to face with a humongous door with the words "1-A" I slid open the door and peaked in.

I saw a head of spiky blonde hair, and ruby red eyes.

My eyes widen and I quickly closed the door, I stayed there for a moment.

Bakugou was in my class?!

This can't be happening.

Panic took over and I took deep breaths in.


"Hey, are you going to go in?"

I looked up and was face to face with a familiar face.

"?! It's you!" I said in surprise. "Thank you for everything!" I said and bowed.

"Oh! It's not a problem." She said shyly.

"Oh! Um, yeah I was just about to go in..." I said, but I really didn't want to. I opened the door slowly and waited for her to go in first. As we both entered we were ambushed by a boy with glasses.

"Hello! A pleasure to meet you, I am-"

"Yeah, I know who you are," I said as politely as I could. "Ida. right?"

"Yes! I'm sorry I judged you during the exam, I underestimated you," He said.

"Ah! No worries,"

I felt a pair of eyes on me, but I managed to ignore it. Our homeroom teacher seemed to be absent so we decided to talk and introduce ourselves.

"Hi! My name is Mina," A pink haired girl came up to me. 

"Pleasure to meet you," I said.

I had met most of the people in the class, they all introduced themselves to me. For some reason I struck a conversation with the girls, mostly because I wanted to avoid Bakugou.

"Izuku, do you know Bakugou?" Mina asked.

"What?! I-"

"Because he's been staring at you," She whispered.

Are You Satisfied? (Bakugou x Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now