Stay right where you are.

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Authors notes: If you haven't noticed, Izuku's mouthing or words he's trying to convey are now in italics, anytime he writes smth or says it without sound I'll use italics or these slashes // ty for reading thus short explanation 


Akari and I both walk towards Deku's room. Suddenly I hear a loud beeping sound coming from his room, I was about to run towards his room faster but Akari stopped me.

"Just wait." She said putting a hand in front of me watching as a nurse ran into the room. I see her face, she is also worried but stands her ground. After a few minutes she came out and walked our way. "Is it ok to visit?" Akari asked the nurse. The nurse looked up from her clipboard and nodded.

"He might be a little shaken up right now since he just woke up, but feel free to since you know each other." She motioned to me. I froze at that moment.

Deku was awake.

I completely disregarded everyone and everything that was around me. I pushed pass the many nurse bustling through the narrow hallway. I reached for the door knob, but stopped. My hands shaking as I tried to reach for it once again. As if my body wouldn't listen to me. All of a sudden I heard a loud clatter and something that sounded like a slide of a window. I rushed in panic and slid the door open to see a thin figure holding their hands to the sides of the window. A bright glow seeped through the window, he put one foot onto the ledge. Ready to push off.

It takes a human a while to process an image put in front of them for the first time. To process what is happening and what is going to happen.

Everything was in slow motion.

But my reflexes jumped towards him and put both my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. Before I could even understand what my body was doing. I grabbed him and practically peeled him off the window sides because his grip was so strong. I landed on my butt with a loud thud. Pulling him close to squeezing him like he would disappear if I let go. He was shivering in my arms. He turned slowly towards me looking me dead in the eyes. I hear Akari in the background calling for the doctor and other people to assist.

His emerald green eyes reflect against mine. I can't help but slightly chuckle and said the only thing that came to my mind at that moment,

"Hey Deku."

He mouths something as if he's trying to say something.


I forgot that he lost his ability to speak. We stare at each other for a few seconds, then grey clouds over his bright eyes and he goes limp my arms. Sound asleep.

I cradle him and hug him tightly not willing to let go.

I will never let you go.

Not again.


We stare into each other's eyes for awhile, oh how I've missed that sharp ruby red stare. I try to whisper his name but no sound comes out.

That's weird

Then all of a sudden my vision fades to grey then to black. And I black out.


After a while the doctor's and nurses manage to pry me off of Deku. And put him back on his bed and take his blood pressure and pulse and other stuff. They put his air mask on to help him breathe, I hate it. It makes him look vulnerable, as if he will go into never ending sleep again. They make sure to put a net on the window and hurry me and Akari out of the room.

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