I love you, I'm sorry.

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Author: How are you doing? Anyone still there? Welp I'm bad at thinking up chapter names so....also I wanted to do a first person view when it is their POV (cause that's how your supposed to do it) but I had already published the first chapter so I will start now. Rip sorry guys. (_) GET READY FOR FEELS. Also you don't have to listen to the songs I put on the top, some of the songs I feel just match the mood so if you want to add the little extra bit of feels. Feel free to listen to it while you read!


I ran to catch up with deku, I saw him dash up the stairs. "Where the fuck is that damn deku going?" I followed him up a couple of flights then finally decided to end this and just call him to get his attention."Deku come back here!" shit that probably scared him. I looked up the tall stairs and out eyes met. My eyes widen and I realized he was at the door to the roof.

He was going to jump.

My eyes widen in realization, I started to bolt up the stairs. Faster than I've ever ran before. That's what those cuts were from! Was he cutting himself?! I heard a slam and a click of a lock.

That damn deku! He fucking locked the door! I ran even faster until I reached the rusty closed roof door. I fiddled with the door knob and banged on the door.

"Deku!! Don't fucking do it!" I peered through the dusty window and saw his green mop of hair below the window.

He was leaning against the door writing something. I have no time to worry about that! Shit! And he is blocking the door! I have to fucking get the door open without hurting him!


I took deep breathes as my hands trembled messily writing the last notes I would ever write. Tear drops fell onto the crumpled pieces of paper. The subtle wind rustled the papers, as I wrote my last words.

Dear mom,
I love you forever and always, but I can't take it anymore. Every single day has just become too agonizing to live through. I'm sorry for only telling you this in my note. I hope that you can forgive me. I love you so much, words cannot describe how much I love you. You were always there to support me through thick and thin. You believed I could do anything if I put my mind to it. And I believe that too, just not in this life. I love you so much, and I know I keep saying this but I truly do. It breaks my heart to have to leave you but it's for the best.

Love, your son.

I finished writing it messily, eyes heavy with tears and moved to the last one. My chest clenched tightly, it felt hard to breathe.



I jolted from the hard impact the door made. I quickly whipped my head to the door, through the dusty window and saw a spiky haired boy.


My heart feels a sharp pain and I clench my teeth together and turned back to my paper. I started to write as fast as I could with my shaking hands. But I just ended up shaking even more..... Out of fear that he would blow the door open. I can't let anyone stop me, I've come too far. My jaw trembled as I tried to hold back the overflowing tears building up in me. It is taking me so much courage to write this.....

Dear Kacchan,
I know you hate me, and I know that you hate me because of my existence. I know all this..... But I keep trying to chase you. I know this is sappy and if I said this while I was alive you would kill me. So I decided to confess when I'm not alive. I love you. I know any sane person would hate you after all that you've done to me. Believe me I have tried to forget you, but a little piece of me still wants to remember you. I hurts my heart to have to keep loving you. I can't bare that pain anymore. I hurts me to keep living, to keep loving. Everyday I would come home and cry myself to sleep, thinking of what did I deserve to live a life like this? What have I ever done? Again I don't know why i'm saying this to you.....but I feel that if these are my last words, I want to make them last. I know it's weird to say this but..... I love you, I'm sorry.


I messily wrote my name at the end of the note, even more tears began to fall. Soaking the paper a bit. I felt a rumble behind the door. Crap I don't have time. I slipped my shoes off and slowly walked to the railing of the rooftop. I placed the notes under my shoes and socks. I carefully climbed onto the rusty railing and balanced my self. The cold metal pricks my skin. I looked up into the sky, what a beautiful day..... the warm breeze ruffles my hair, the deep blue sky covers the horizon. Littered with white fluffy clouds, I will soon be up there with them. I put one foot out, taking a deep shaky breath I close my eyes.

And let gravity do its job.



I continue to bang on the door and try to blow the door open with my quirk while calling for Deku to open up the door. The fucking door wouldn't budge! I peer down to see what he is writing. Their fucking suicide notes!! He is really fucking doing it. I start pounding the door even harder than before. Than he got up and walked slowly towards the railing of the roof, taking of his shoes and put the notes under.


I was really desperate now and my hands began to form blisters and were turning red. With all I had left I shoved the door with my shoulder. It toppled over with a huge dent of my shoulder on it. I gasped to catch my breathe.......but the next thing I saw made me stop breathing.


Like a flower petal falling from the tree, delicately landing on the ground.


I screamed, my eyes widened as I witnessed it all. I ran to the railing and jumped off, stupid fucking tears filled my eyes. The strong wind impacting my fall flew into my face. I looked to my side and saw him, lifelessly falling. I reached out my hand and grabbed his shirt, but I didn't have time to process anything else. The tears clouded my vision and everything turned to black.

I heard the voice again.

"Why did you do that?" The voice asked.

.....Because I love him...........

I love you, I'm sorry

Authors notes: Waaahhhh If I wasn't the author of this story I would be in tears right now. Thank you so much for 60 reads!!! I hope you liked this chapter!!

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