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Hey again

So uh wOw this week has gone by so fast I practically had no time to write and finish this weeks chapter :/ Not to mention this painful business project that is due on the day I'm supposed to update. I have a lot going on rn (mostly just a lot of stress) but I hope that after this stressful project and maybe the deadline will be moved to a later date, that I will be able to update .-. this is the first time I've ever stayed up so late to finish homework, and probably the first time I've been so stressed about school. So pray I do decently well tomorrow and I can update as soon as I can :) I want to thank you all again for reading. If I hadn't gotten so much love and support (Even tho I know I'm just one in a million writers and many others probably deserve this more) I probably wouldn't have been able to go this far into this story. I know it's probably a stupid one, and a cringey fanfic but I thank you for sticking around. :)

I'll see ya broscees in the next chapteeers

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