Tears for you.

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Authors notes: sorry.....some chapters may be shorter cause I have homework and stuff. 


Sorry if the last chapter was a little confusing but if you would like an explanation please read!

So the explanation is that both Katsuki's and Izuku's other sides of each other appear in Katsuki's mind, a side of them that they don't show often. Sort of like two sides of their emotions? Izuku being angry and not afraid to show Katsuki what he's made of and Katsuki actually being rational and caring of Izuku. I don't know if I will have a chapter where Katsuki's inner self will talk to I Zulu but....... They both try to talk to themselves in doing opposite things. Izuku's inner self wants Izuku to forget Katsuki and move on while Katsuki's inner self wants to try to mend this broken relationship

Katsuki shot up from his hospital bed. Gasping for air as if he was suffocating, he clenched onto his shirt. He looked up and locked eyes with a young lady.


The scent of hospital overflowed my nose. It left a lump in my throat, almost choking me. My mouth felt dry and gross, if I talked I could barely manage a croak. Sweat dripped down my forehead and I blinked multiple times for my blurry vision to clear.

I think she was a nurse, she was trembling as she looked at me. She snapped out of her trance and ran to my side. Her minty green hair swishing beside her in low pigtails. She pressed a button and grabbed and mike, she shakily talked into the mike.

"P-patient in room 302 is awake!" She stuttered, "Please call doctor Hangi to room 302!" She than put the mike back into it's place and turned to me. "How are you doing sir?" She asked taking out a clipboard and pen. I hesitated before finally answering.

"Fine I guess...." I managed between dry coughs, scratching my head. I look around the room, it's dimly lit with only the sun seeping in through the white curtains. The room felt warm, I looked out the big window. There was a light breeze that swayed the trees outside, this was the first time I actually looked at the world around me. It felt rather calming....

"Doctor Hangi will be here any minute, don't worry we called your parents. They will be happy to know you've made a healthy recovery." She says as she hooks me up to something, probably to check my blood pressure or something. She scribbles something on the clipboard. Before I could ask any questions all of a sudden a lady with glasses and messy hair rushed into the door.


The nurse and I jolted at the sudden sound, we both look in her direction.

"I'm here! I'm here!" The person says as she walks in and sits in a rolling chair beside the door, and pushes it so she rolls towards me. "So Mr. Bakugou how are we doing?" She asks, she takes the clipboard from the nurse and nods her thanks. The nurse than exits the room closing the door behind her. My eyes follow her until she leaves, I can feel that damn doctor's eyes on me. "If you're worried about your family don't worry, if the nurse already told you. Your parents and or guardians will be here shortly." She assures me, but I don't fucking feel assured. This place makes me sick. The suffocating smell of the hospital, sick people breathing in and out, the perfect place for death to linger. As I am lost in thought the doctor.....or whatever the fuck her name is Dr. Hangi jots down notes. I feel a sting coming from my head......wait yeah.......what am I here for again? I turn to her.

"Why am I here again?" I ask her, at first she stares at me in disbelief but than she refers to some notes on some other papers.

"Although symptoms of memory loss is possible I'm rather surprised." She murmured.

"I didn't forget shit. I just don't know why I'm here." She pauses and gives me a look as if reading me, should could tell I wasn't one who liked to be fed sugarcoated bs.

"Well, from what we know, you and Izuku Midoriya were seen jumping of your school building." She reads. "You are not suffering from any major injuries......but you may experience some head pains........also your arms may feel a bit sore. You've healed quite a lot since you have been recovering for the last few weeks." She says to me.

"Wait.....I've been asleep for a few weeks?" I mumble rubbing my eyes.

"Yes! One of our nurses needed to put you to sleep for a while to help the healing process of your injuries." She answered.

I sat in silence...... than another question occurs......who was the other individual? My heart sinks.


My eyes widen and I look the doctor straight in the eye. My jaw trembling.

"D-did the other individual survive?" I dig my nails into the hospital blankets. Sweat dripping down my cheek. The doctor just looks at me with a mix of emotions, like she wasn't sure what to say.

"The other patient......I'm sorry but their guardian requested that no information is to be disclosed" She apologizes with an saddened expression.

He wasn't dead.

Auntie Inko just wanted to keep it a secret right?

"W-wait! I know him though, I-I tried to stop him from.....you know.....please.....I need to know..I-" I pleaded, probably the first time I was this desperate to know something. He couldn't be dead, he couldn't. Could I have....

"Well.....I don't want you panicking over this since it won't do you any good.....you'll get even more worked up if I don't tell you," She says and grabs another clipboard. "All I can say for now is, he is alive and he was in critical condition but is now stable"

"He's alive."

"What room is he in,"

He is currently placed in room 340." She reads from the computer, "But we can't have you visiting just yet be-" but she has no time to stop whats coming next. I throw the covers off me and place my bare feet on the floor, I bolt towards the door and look left to right.

"Room 340.....room 340..." I murmur, looking for a sign to direct me. Shit! I have no time! I have to see him. My mind was muddled and foggy, but all I knew for sure was I needed to see him.

"Wait! Stop that patient!" I here that damn doctor call. I ignore it though and run in the direction that the room numbers increase. I run and run and keep running until the shouts from the doctor and nurses can't be heard. My eyes begin to tear up, I blink my eyes to stop them. My legs hurt from not being used in so long. But I don't care. I need to see him.


Izuku Midoriya

I gasp, sweating from running so much. I reach my right hand for the door but hesitate, my hands are shaking. I grab my right with my left to calm the shaking. And open the door.

Bright light shines in my eyes for a moment, I stop and stare. The window is open, leaving a scent of cherry blossoms and a warm glow in the room to linger . Small petals fall on the bed. I step closer towards the bed, his eyes glued shut. His skin is pale, but the warm sun paints his skin a warm light orange. I can hear is shallow breaths through the mask on his mouth. His chest rising and falling, his hand by his side hooked up to the many machines silently whirring. I see his arms, re wrapped with new bandages. I walk closer to the foot of his bed to see a clipboard with written records.

--Patient Izuku Midoriya suffered from mild head trauma, however such trauma caused the patient to enter a coma like state. He also has lost the ability to speak due to a certain part of the brain being damaged.
More updates on vitals and daily check ups are to be recorded under:--

But my barely skim through the small messy writing, walking closer beside his bed. I see his arms, re wrapped with new bandages. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, my hands tremble as I reach them out towards his. I hold his hand.

It's warm.

I kneel down next to the bed and hold his hand against my forehead. More tears begin to cloud my vision.

"I'm sorry Izuku, I'm sorry that I did all of this to you. I will do anything.....just please come back to me." I whisper in a shaky voice. "I'm sorry, I love you."

Authors notes: How was it? :3 This was kind of a heart breaking reuniting chapter.....but the fluff is coming!!!

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