My Fault

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Author's notes: TT.TT I ended up updating late again, sorry about that.


They dragged me down flights of stairs, opening a large cement door and chucking my body like a dead fish.

"Hmph! I wanted to play with him," A girl pouted as the door slowly closed drowning out any other sound. I coughed and heaved, my throat burned and my body felt numb. My hands were tied behind my back so I couldn't move, my sweat soaked face laid on the cold dirty floor. I struggled with the rope but the tightly woven strings were impossible to move. I looked around the room as best I could, there were no windows or doors. Just walls of cement.

How will I get out?

What can I do?

What will they do to me?

Will I have to fend for myself?

Millions of outcomes swarmed my mind,

panic kicked in.

I closed my eyes and took a deep shaky breath.

This was my choice,

now I have to get out of this myself.


"LET GO OF ME!!" I growled, Shitty-Hair and Half and Half tried to limit my movement.

"Please Bakugou! Calm down!" Glasses said.

"Fuck off! It's none of your fucking business." I hissed, trying to wrench my arms out of Shitty-hair and Half and Half's grasp.


My left cheek felt a stinging pain spread. I slowly turned to see round-face with tears in her eyes.

"It is ALL of our business Bakugou, Deku-kun is our friend and classmate. ALL OF US ARE WORRIED." She countered.

"Listen, we are all worried about Midoriya. Please, just cooperate with us." Glasses said intervening.

"No, none of you are as worried as me. None of you know him like I do, none of you feel HALF the fucking emotions I'm feeling!" I spat. "So you can get OFF me so I CAN FUCKING KILL THOSE GUYS"

"Tell us." Half and half said while still holding me down. I looked at him confused. "How do you know him more than we do?" I looked around the room full of extras, they all wanted to know too.

"Fuck you! I don't need to tell you shit." I hissed, struggling more but their grip just tightened.

"Please Bakugou, struggling won't do you any good and won't help Midoriya. We all need to cooperate if we want to save him." Ponytail said. I glared but stopped struggling, Half and half and Shitty-hair let go of me.

I clenched my jaw and tightened my balled fists.

What if....what if the reason that Deku did that.....was because of me?

What-what if-if something happens to him will be all my fault?

"What will we do? We can't do this on our own and the teachers and principle has forbidden us to even think about going out there." Pink girl said.

"I will not allow you to go out there. As class president it is my duty to make sure that everyone is safe, if you go out there it will just put even more people in jeopardy." Glasses objected. "We all want Midoriya to be safe, but we can't just risk more people getting into danger." Everyone went silent.

"Fine." I said and walked out of the room.

"Bakugo-" Electric guy protested.

"Let him leave, he needs to cool off." Round face said, stopping him.






I left and walked out of the hospital, the sky was dark and only street lamps were visible.

Fuck them. I don't need their help.

I'll just go on my own.

"Bakugou wait!" Shitty-Hair, Ponytail and Half and half exited the doors and approached me. "We want to help."

"What?" I sneered.

"We want to help bring Midoriya back." Half and half said. Anger boiled inside me, I don't know why. But every time I see him with him I just.....

"I don't need any of your shitty help."

"Bakugou please, let us help." Ponytail said. "You can't do it alone."


"We all want to get Midoriya back, he must mean something special to you. We just want to help." Shitty-hair added.

"....FUCK fine."







Nobody's POV

Back at the Villains headquarters....

"Pleeasssse pleaseee can we bring him out?" Toga asked.

"No. He's pretty much useless but if we have him we might be able to exchange him for Katsuki." Shiragaki replied as he took a seat at the bar.

"Aaaawww but can't we interrogate him?" She whined.

"Its not like we have anything better to do." Dabi added. Shiragaki turned to them, they couldn't see his glare from behind his father. (The hand btw)

"When I say no, I mean it." He hissed and turned back. Toga groaned and left the room.






I must have fallen asleep.

I blinked a few times to adjust to the lighting, I heard the door creak open.

"Shhshhh" I heard a giggle. " Tomura doesn't know I'm down here." She whispered to me or herself. Footsteps came closer and a pair of hands pulled me up. "Let's have some fun~"






Nobody's POV

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Kirishima whispered.

"I'm positive," Yayorozu said back.

"Let's go then." Bakugou said ready to barge in.

"We can't just barge in Bakugou," Todoroki said, stopping him from revealing their hiding spot.

"Why the fuck not?!"

"We've come all the way here, if we just go in with no plan. How will we get out? We don't even know where Midoriya is."

"I can do whatever I want." Bakugou growled.

"Bakugou, Todoroki please," Yayorozu pleaded. "We can't do anything else if we keep arguing." Todoroki and Bakugou glare at each other before turning back to the look out.


Fuck. I just want to find Deku.

Author's notes: Thanks for reading TT.TT I'll see yall in the next chapter

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