I saved you didn't I?

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Author's notes: Helllooooo again, I'm sorry bros I totally forgot to update yesterday so I'm rushing to finish this now ._.

I could feel the pain, I could feel the immense pressure in my legs. It hurt like a thousand needles plunging into my skin, as if my muscles were tearing apart.

But I didn't care,

I didn't care.

I ran,

and ran

and ran.


I screamed.

I pushed him roughly away from the portal, the hand on his neck broke its hold and I crashed into the purple dark mist. I glanced to where he landed, his eyes filled with terror. He ran to me as my vision blurred.

I couldn't see anything but darkness.

I saved him, didn't I?

As long as he was safe.

It was all that mattered.


It was dark.

Its always dark.

I felt like I was in that black ocean again, that nightmare.

There was no where to run,

because there wasn't anywhere.

Just black.

I couldn't see anything.

Not even the rest of my body.

Just black.

I heard voices,

small and muffled voices.


Who's voice was that......?

I felt like I was missing something,

something important.

Someone important.

What was I doing before this?

What was happening now?

what sounded like a crash echoed through the.....thing I was in...I felt a small rumble.

What was happening?

I just stood, in the seething black abyss.

Thinking of nothing,

because the black space was as empty as my mind.

I don't know what to do.

I feel like....something is missing....







What.....what was missing..............................?

A blinding bright light flashed at my face and I squeezed my eyes shut. I looked up to see someone rushing towards me....


I felt a hand rap tightly around my neck, my spine tingled. I looked towards the him, eyes filled with tears, his face and limbs beaten and bruised but electricity shot through his legs. he charged towards me, my vision slowly being engulfed by black.

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