Did you not trust me enough?

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Author's notes: Hey guys!!!! Sorry, it took so long to update......I mostly spent my late nights reading Langst and crying my eyes out. And the next thing you know it's the next week 0.0 I think I'll try to write the chapters in advance next time.


Mom and I sit in the waiting room, the cold air brushing against my exposed legs. Mom puts a hand on my hand to reassure me, I look up at her and she nods at me. We share a sweet moment until a nurse comes out of the 2 white doors.

"Mr. Midoriya?" She asks the crowd of people sitting in the room. I stand up to acknowledge my name and nod at her. She looks up at me than the clipboard and asks me to follow her. Mom holds my hand before I go and squeezes it, she stands up and embraces me.

"I love you Izuku." She manages to say before breaking into a sobbing mess. I squeeze her tightly, trying not to cry before the surgery. We break apart from the hug and I follow the nurse through the white doors.


Katsuki stayed crumpling to pieces at the airport until security had to get him to leave, they called me to pick him up. As I went to see him at the front desk, he sat there with his head down. Clenching a piece of paper in his hand.I had never seen him display this type of emotion before. Sadness, hurt, betrayal(?) was all I could read from his expression. He sat in the back seat of the car pressed against the window to try to hide his face. I looked at him through the review mirror showing my worried side.

"I know it's not something you want to talk about now but...... you're going to have to start school again." I looked up at the review mirror again, he stayed silent. " You have to train for the UA exam as well don't you?" He twitched at the words "UA exam" where had all his drive and ambition gone? It was only about a month into the school year but it took a long time to perfect a quirk, especially for the UA exam. He would also need to catch up on all the work he had missed. As I was lost in thought Katsuki stayed quiet the rest of the way home. As we arrived he walked off to his room and slammed his door. I flinched at the sudden harsh sound. 

Well that part of him hasn't changed.


My mind could not rest the way home, everything I thought of was of Izuku. His beautiful eyes, his cute round face, his galaxy of warm freckles, his warm hands, his soft fluff green hair. Did he not trust me enough to know? But his note explained his reason, I just hate to accept it. He was right, I would have never let him go through with the surgery if he had told me earlier. But it hurts just knowing that he had hidden it from me. In the middle of my thoughts, I heard the old hag say. "You have to start school again." I never wanted to go to that hell of a school again.

Not if he wasn't there.

"You have to train for the UA exam as well don't you?" 

Those words made me remember his words.

I think you should do the exam! You would be a great hero!

Did he know I would try to change my mind? No, I still want to be a hero.


To be the number one hero?

I shook my head.


To protect Izuku.


She told me to sit on a table. It was cushioned but had a thin sheet of paper. The room felt cold as she told me to wait and headed out the door. Shutting it with a click. I was once again alone.

I hadn't felt like this in a while.

Alone, with no one to be with.


He was always with me.


I miss him.

Tears I had tried so hard to contain spilled out. Before I could wipe my eyes dry the door swung open. Dr.Hanji and a man entered. She looked at me, her face turning to worry. She crouches slightly to reach my height.

"Honey, what's wrong?" She asked giving me a pen and paper.

//I'm just nervous is all.//

I miss Kacchan.

I finished writing trying not to spill any more tears on the table. She clearly doesn't buy that I'm just "nervous" but doesn't decide to press the matter. She nods at me and gives me a hug.

"Don't worry, you're in good hands." She looks up and gestures to the man to come closer. He kneels in front of me, his eyes are kind and caring which calm me down a bit.

"You don't have to worry a bit Midoriya, I will do the best of my abilities." He reassures and puts his large hand on my shaking shoulder. I nod at him and take a deep breath.

I'm ready.

They first check me for any concerns or issues that would affect the surgery before the actual thing. Once done they lead me to yet another room with a much comfier bed. But I know which kind of hospital bed. I've seen them in movies, the ones that patients are rolled out in. Critical condition, the love of their life dying on the gurney. Saying to them, "what happened?! Honey stay with us! I love you, don't leave me!" It makes me want to vomit from anxiety. Where most patients die on. They changed me into a very familiar hospital gown and made me lie in the gurney. They placed an oxygen mask on my face, I prevented myself from flinching away from it. My hands becoming clammy. I see Dr. Hanji and the man come to my side. I barely hear their muffled voices as the stranged gas pumps into the mask. 

"Just relax Midoriya, sleep." Dr. Hanji says to me softly with a smile. I nod and turn to face the other side of the bed. I imagined Kacchan with me, by the side of the bed. Holding my hand, brushing my hair back, whispering sweet things into my ear. Telling me everything will be alright and once this is over we will go back home and have an amazing feast with all my family and his family too. As I imagine this my eyelids begin to feel heavier and heavier, I feel teardrops fall down my cheek from the corners of my eyes. Knowing that after this, I may never see Kacchan's face again.

Kacchan, I love you.


Kacchan, I love you.

I jolt up from my bed, hearing his voice. It all felt so real. Too real. I sat up and covered my face with my hands. Trying to calm myself from the.....nightmare?

Ugh. This sucks.

"Katsuki! Time for breakfast! You have school!" The old hag yelled, trying to damage my eardrums. 

"Okay! Shut up!" I groan, rubbing my sore eyes. I slide my feet to the side of the bed, I stand up.

Fuck, my feet feel so fucking heavy. Like metal weights pulling me down every step I take. I go to my closet and search for my uniform. Probably dusty as fuck having not touched it in weeks.

This will be a long fucking day.

Author's notes: Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter?? I guess since most of my chapters are about 1000+ words then it's considered normal, but my last few chapters were longer. Sorry I updated later than normal. :( Schools starting up again soon but I'll try my best! Also, I don't what I should name the male doctor in the story.....any ideas?

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