First Date.

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Author's notes: Hello everybody!! Thank you guys so much for 13k TT.TT I'm finally done summer school so I have much more time to write! Thank you guys so much for sticking around and still reading my book even when I didn't update for a while. Also since Izuku is using a whiteboard for all of his speech, I will just put his speech in italics so I don't have to keep saying "He took out his whiteboard and said" or stuff like that. Just know that he's writing on the whiteboard. :) enjoy!


Also, I kind of want to add in the specific timeline to this if you get what I mean, so in upcoming chapters, so the story makes sense. The time when Katsuki tells Izuku to kill himself at the beginning of the story takes place at the beginning of the school year. (I know it's different from the original.....I think? Well, I know that All Might trained Izuku for 10 months....and before that the sludge incident happened and that was around when Katsuki told Izuku that....) So I'm not really sure how it will play out because if I really want to be precise I would have to make this whole entire timeline......Also because I want them to graduate, I know it's not said in the book but they will be doing school work when they were resting in the hospital. Of course, Izuku and Katsuki would graduate because they are both smart and of course, the teachers understood the incident and knew that they would both need time to recover and rest so he would assign work to do so they don't completely miss things. I think the time to heal and up to the current time would have taken up about....1 month?? In Japan school starts in April so it would be the end of May for Katsuki and Izuku's last year in their school?? Just keep this in mind because I really want this to work. XO Anyways thank you for reading!


"Hmmmmm what should I wear for my date with Kacchan??" I look in my bathroom mirror. Dr. Hanji allowed me to go back to my house to get ready for I look at my plain old self. I'm wearing a plain yellow hoodie with All M and light blue skinny jeans. I look hard at myself, will Kacchan think I'm weird? All of a sudden I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Izuku honey? Are you ready for your date? I'm coming in." Mom suddenly opens the door.

//W-wait mom-// I mouth even though she can't hear me. I try to close the door as she enters but it's too late. She stares at me with half of a confused and shocked look.

"You're going on a date....looking like that?" She asks me. I hesitantly nod. 

//Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing?//

She looks at me in disbelief.  "In too many ways! Here let me pick some clothes out for you." She shakes her head and walks to my room.

// you don't have to....//  I groan I hold up the whiteboard for her to see. She then proceeds to go to my room and shuts the door.

"Nonsense! I will not let you ruin your first date with a bad choice of clothing." She hollers, I can hear pieces of clothing being thrown across my room and drawers being opened. "Why is almost every piece of clothing you have  something All Might related?" I immediately blush. "This will have to do." She huffs and throws me some clothes pushing my into my bedroom and shutting the door. "Hurry you don't want to be late!"


I'm waiting in front of the hospital for Izuku. It's embarrassing to say this but I came early, I really didn't have anything else to do. My hearts beating so fast, it's the first time I will see Izuku out of the hospital. Ever since that incident. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to the individual.

It's Deku. He holds up his whiteboard I got him. //Sorry, for making you wait Kacchan, am I late?// He's wearing a plain white all might t-shirt and acid washed skinny jeans, he had a black sweater wrapped around his waist and his classic red shoes. He is also wearing a red beanie.  I look down at what I'm wearing, it's pretty sad compared to Deku. I hope he doesn't notice how unfashionable I look But I almost blush at the thought of Deku doing all this for our da- TIME TOGETHER.

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