Let Go

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Authors notes: Thank you so much for 100 reads!! I hope you enjoy!! Don't worry things will get better......soon......

Beep beep beep

"Hurry! The patients heart rate is stopping!!"

"Get me the AED!"

"Hang in there!"


My mind is blank, in an ocean of black liquid.

Is this a dream? I look around the black liquid ocean, I stand in the middle, even though I'm in the middle of an ocean. I stand. The ground feels as if it is a solid floor, but flooding with thick black liquid. I look around, there is no escape.

"Why did you save me Kacchan?" I turn to the direction of the voice. I see a blurry figure with green hair.


I run towards him, his back is turned to me. He is wearing a white long sleeve dress shirt, but his sleeves are bloody. I grab his shoulder and turn him around gently. My eyes widen.

He is crying with no emotion. His tears drip down his cheek, onto his shirt. Only they aren't actual tears.

They are tears made of blood.

His eyes are blood shot, his green emerald pupils are clouded with crimson red.

"Do you see what you did to me?" He says in a monotone voice. He rolls up his bloodied dress shirt sleeve revealing his forearm. Littered with cuts. He than put his thumb on one side of his arm and the other fingers on the other, and squeezed together. The dry cuts emerged with crimson blood, dripping to the black ocean. The droplets echoed in the hollow emptiness of my head.

"Stop what are you doing?!" I asked in a panic and ripped a piece of my clothing to wrap his arm. He stays in silence. Not resisting my help.

"You did this." He says, he averts his eyes with still a monotone expression.

I was almost quick to reply with a harsh remark but I couldn't. He was right. All of it was his fault. Could he ever make this right? Without him in the way maybe Izuku could have led a normal life. Not filled with torment, pain and......death? We stand in silence for a long time.

"So let me ask you again, why did you save me?" He says once again.

"Because............."I felt as if my tongue was tied and words couldn't form. When was the last time I had to ever express what I felt or wanted to? He stared back with the a face of disgust. Like he was touching filth.

He pulled the arm I bandaged back and looked as if ready to turn around and leave.

"W-wait!" I took his arm back in a panic, afraid he would leave for good. "I did it because...I love you."

The words "I love you," felt so foreign. Was what he felt towards Izuku love?

"So I had to kill myself for you to realize that you love me?" He asks in disbelief. "You don't deserve him...." He says.

"That's not true! I have loved him for a long time, from his bright smile to his cute freckles. I just never had the courage to accept it." I protest. "But I will do anything in my power to get him back."

"If this wasn't only my inner self talking to you I would have killed myself somewhere where you weren't." Deku retorted, then his face turned into irritation. "But alas, the other self of me still loves you." He says in a now pained expression.

"But let me tell you this." He warns, walking closer to me until I can feel his icy cold breathe on my chest.

"In my eyes, you will never be worthy of Izuku's love." He glares, eye flowing with blood. He closes them and opens them again. This time his eyes were back to emerald green, his eyes widen at me and backed away.

"K-k-kacchan?" He stuttered in his usual squeaky voice. I sighed in relief, he's back to his original self. "W-where am I? Why am I here?" He asked me backing away even more looking down to his feet.

"Deku! It's ok don't worry everything's gonna be f-" I reassured him. Holding my hands out to him, but stopped mid sentence. A large demon like hand emerged from the black liquid beside Deku's feet. "Watch out!" I yelled, he flinched and looked up at me. Eyes terrified. The hand grabbed onto Deku's foot. The strange liquid dripped off the hand and onto his pale rosy skin. He yelped as if it burned him and tried to kick it off but failed.

"K-kacchan! Help!" He pleaded as he sunk deeper and deeper into black liquid. The skeletal hand pulling him deeper and deeper into the black ocean. He flailed his hands towards me, I ran to him and grabbed his hand. But the hand was too strong, I pulled harder but he didn't budge.All I can do is watch him struggle. Only his head was visible now.

"Deku!" I called desperately, tears filling my eyes. He looked up at me, bloody tears filled his eyes. He smiled at me helplessly.

No! Theres no fucking way I'm losing you again!

He let go of my hand.

"I'm sorry."

Authors notes: Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual! Thank you for reading! I know everyone's really confused, I'll be explaining in the next chapter what this is all about.

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