I Lied

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Author's notes: Hey guys! So these next few chapters will be following the real story line and I don't want to make it as boring as the sludge incident before so I'm just gonna wing it. Also I know I always do this but thank you so much for reading, I never thought that I would get so many reads and viewers. Thank you soooo soooo much!! Hugs from Author-chan!!~ Also Happy new year!! <3

"Tomorrow is the entrance exam young one," All Might said as we sat on the bench facing the horizon and the ocean. It had finally been cleared of all the rubble and garbage and was now a beautiful clean beach. 

"Yes," I said, I truly was excited but I felt as if I didn't deserve it. I got what I wanted, but I ended up sacrificing someone's feelings in the process. I felt eyes on me and turned to see All Might intently staring at me, I panicked. "U-uhhh no I truly am excited, thank you for all that you've done for me All Might. I am truly grateful!" I said and shot up from the bench and bowed numerous times.

"No, I know you are happy that you've come this far, I am too." He went on. "But I know something is bothering you, and it's keeping you from having that drive and determination before." I nodded slowly and sat back down.

"Well.....before all of this.....I had a boyfriend." Those words stung in my mouth. "And......in order to train with you I had to be away from him and I couldn't tell him why, so he......." I felt like I couldn't finish the sentence, because if I did......it would truly be real......." He suspected me off cheating....and in the end I still couldn't tell him.....so I knew that if we were still together I would only hurt him more. So we broke up....and it's always on my mind." I managed to finish, I felt warm tears flowing down my cheeks. My cheeks that had felt like a dry desert were now flooded by a giant salty river.

I hadn't said those words out loud, and it felt too real. 

I quickly wiped my tears and looked up at All Might. His face was mixed with worry and sympathy. Like he had just heard a sad pathetic love story, but I knew I didn't deserve his sympathy. I deserved the pain in suffering.

But Bakugou didn't.

"Young Midoriya-" He began, but I stood up abruptly from the bench. 

"A-anyways, thanks for listening to me.....I feel much better now that I've said it out loud."

But that wasn't true at all.

Not one bit.

I felt even worse.

"I know I was being selfish...and I know I can't tell him, so I didn't. So you don't need to worry about it"

I lied again.

I wanted All Might to say something, tell me it was alright. That I could tell him and I could stop hurting. That it was alright to express emotions, be vulnerable and  show weakness.

But none of that would happen.

I knew he wouldn't do anything about it or couldn't either.

It was my choice and my decision, I couldn't just rely on people to fix my problems.

But I dried my eyes even though I knew they were going to flood again.

"I should go now....." I said and hugged All Might awkwardly. "Thank you All Might for everything." I looked back at him, he looked as if he had more to say but he sadly gave in. He nodded and smiled. 

"No problem Midoriya, I hope to see you tomorrow." I nodded and collected my things, I ran back home.

With tears flowing never stopped. Like all my built up emotions had come bursting out, the dam had burst. I ran as tears fell, I didn't want anyone to see me like this. I felt so helpless and weak. I felt like a poor helpless child crying while running home.

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