Chapter 46

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It’s October, three months after the incident with Finn and the light, Hope had been training with Elsa and even though she didn’t control her magic for the fully 100% she did have a lot of progress. She didn’t kill anyone, which is a good start. And didn’t harm anyone either. The only thing that was bothering her was the whole Finn and Jace thing. She had made it clear to Finn she didn’t know what she was going to do and she just wanted to be friends. She felt extremely guilty towards Jace and she didn’t know how he would react if she told him about the kiss.

‘Good morning.’ Elsa said walking into Hope’s room.

Hope was seated on the ground, looking into her big trunk.

‘Good morning.’ Hope said with a small smile, looking up.

‘Ready to go home?’ Elsa asked.


‘We’re going to miss you.’ Elsa said.

Hope stood up and walked over to Elsa, giving her a hug.

‘I’m going to miss you too.’ she said.

‘Are you sure I can control my magic enough?’ Hope asked pulling away.

‘Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.’ Elsa said.

‘Plus I can’t help you any further, now it’s up to you.’ Elsa said.

Hope nodded.

‘It’s weird.’ Hope said.


‘Just everything, one moment I’m just a nobody and the next I find out I’m a princess who can’t control her magic.’ Hope said.

‘Can control her magic.’ Elsa corrected.

‘And then the whole things with Finn and Jace.’ Hope sighed.

Elsa chuckled.

‘That’s not funny!’ Hope said.

‘Honey, stop thinking about it, you’ve got to follow your heart.’ Elsa said.

‘Funny, I did that once and it ended badly.’ Hope said.

‘What do you mean?’ Elsa asked.

‘I liked this guy in my class, I was 10, and on Valentine’s day I wrote this card and put it between his books, when he saw it he laughed and showed it to the guys in my class. Never been so embarrassed.’ Hope said.

Elsa laughed.

‘Not funny!’ Hope said.

‘Hope just follow your heart, trust me it’ll be fine.’ Elsa said.

Hope sighed and gave her a quick nod.

‘Maybe it’s good to have some distance between Finn and you, so you can sort things out on your own.’ Elsa said.

‘I know, if it weren’t for him to come with me because my father will be having a birthday party, which Finn would be attending anyways.’ Hope said.

‘So he’ll stay with us for at least a week.’ Hope said.

‘Just keep your distance and try to talk to Faith.’ Elsa said.

Hope nodded, biting her lip.

‘I still haven’t figured out what could’ve made her turn like that.’ Hope said.

‘As far as I know, I didn’t do anything wrong.’ Hope said.

‘Just ask and you’ll find out.’ Elsa said.

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