1. Destiny.

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''Your highness, Queen Athena has requested your presence. It is a matter of urgency.'' My personal guard told me.

''Ok, thank you Leo. I'll be there in a moment.''

Wander what mother wants. I pondered. After bidding a few guests, goodbye, I headed to the throne room - where my mother awaited. It was very rare, that she summoned me for urgent matters so, I was a little curious.

''Mother. You called?''

''Yes dear, come.''

She led me to the corner of the room, and gazed out of the large, stained windows.

''What is it mother?''

''Ivana, I need to tell you something important. It is time.''

''Ok...What is it?''

''I can't believe how much you have grown. Only yesterday, you were a little girl, holding my fingers and learning to walk. Now, you are turning twenty tomorrow. Time flies too quick. My dear, I am so proud of the woman you are and the woman you are going to be. I know you're going to be the greatest Queen, the kingdoms have ever had.''

''Is that what you wanted to tell me? Thank you but, Queen...? Mother, what are you talking about?'' I answered, perplexed.

''Ivana, there's something you need to know. I am sick and I cannot say how long I have left. Your destiny has arrived and you must fulfil it. For the kingdoms, for yourself and for me.''

''You're sick? No, that's not possible. You can't be sick. Not now. Not yet. Mother, I still need you! And, what destiny?''

''Ivana, listen to me. You are the strongest and most courageous daughter, anyone could have asked for. No-one can know that I am sick - not until you complete your task. I will continue to rule, for as long as I can but, promise me. Promise me, you'll do as I say.''

''Mother... You can't leave me.''

''Promise me!''

''I promise, I'll do as you say.''

''Dear child, death is a part of life. I am not as young as you and I will have to go - sooner or later. But, I will always be in your heart - guiding you in your darkest of times and hours of need.''

Words, refused to escape my lips. Instead, I drowned myself, into my mother's arms, and let out several cries. She couldn't leave me. Not yet. I needed her. I was not ready for a destiny - let alone to be crowned queen.

''Ivana, your destiny awaits. The time has come for you to have access to your ancestral phoenix powers. Darkness is approaching - soon. You must win the final battle against evil, and stop the demons of Morpheus, from destroying magic in our realms. Remember all that I have taught you and you will surely, win. I and all the kingdoms, believe in you. You must believe too.''

''But, mother... How am I supposed to do this? I'm not ready.''

''You are ready. Believe in yourself. You underestimate your abilities. Once you yield the phoenix sword, you will understand your powers, clearly. Now, you must pack. I will have Leo arrange your horse. You will leave at dawn.''

''Ok, I believe. Mother, I will make you proud. I will return victorious but, promise me you'll hold on for as long as you can. I can't lose you.''

''You have already made me proud. This is your destiny. You were born for great things and, I promise to hold on for as long as I can.''

''Thank you. I love you.''

''I love you too, Ivana.''

''Can Nixie come with me?''

THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now