27. Always And Forever.

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''Look who I've brought back.'' Tristan spoke, from the bedroom door.

''JAMES!" I yelled, before running to embrace him.

''I'm sorry I left you.'' He replied.

''No. None of this is your fault.'' I sighed.

''We'll leave you two to it.'' Nixie added, upon exiting with Tristan.

''So, I guess you're my sister.''

''I guess so. The weirdest thing happened yesterday. I got a sudden strange feeling, as I entered this village. Who knew that It would lead me to my long-lost brother.''

''Funny you should say that. I also had an odd feeling too. It was like I had a connection to you but, I didn't think this would be it.''

''I know. What matters is that we found each other. If I had never come here, I'd never have met you and...'' I said, with slight tears dripping down my face.

''It's ok. The past is in the past. Like you said, what matters is that we're together now. Always and forever.''

''Always and forever.'' I said, giving my brother another warm cuddle.

''Ivana, what are we going to do now?'' James asked.

''James, I have to defeat the demons of Morpheus and when this is all over, I'll come back to get you. I promise. This is my destiny. It's what I was born to do.''

''But, Ivana. You can't do this alone. Please, let me come. I won't allow you to get hurt.''

''No, I have to do this alone and I can't risk you getting hurt. Besides, I have Nixie and Tristan by my side.''

''Promise me you'll return.'' He sobbed.

''I promise. Have faith in your sister. I'm full of surprises.'' I chuckled, to enlighten the dull mood.

''I do. We have much to catch up on.''

''We do indeed. I guess a little catch-up now, wouldn't hurt?''

''Of course not.'' James smiled.

''What would you like to know?''

''Anything. How about the basics?''

''Well, my best friend is Nixie. If you hadn't already guessed, me and Tristan are in...love. Our mother is queen Athena of Aereth and my father... apparently, died in battle. But, I just found out recently, that my father is in fact the demon king of Morpheus...''

''Wait, you don't think.... That he could be my father too?''

''I don't know. Perhaps we share the same mother and not father. The demon king, 'my father', didn't mention you.''

''Oh. What was his name?''


''But, Ivana. Don't you have to kill him?''

I sighed, before uttering the bitter truth.

''Yes... I didn't think I would but, he sent a demon army to kill me and that's when I decided. He must die.''

''I can't imagine what that's going to be like for you. I'm sorry.''

''It's not your fault. It is what has been predestined. And it shall be, what fate decides.''

"Did our mother lie about your father too?" James questioned.

"I'm afraid so. I didn't expect her to lie to me like this. I was deeply hurt..."

''I'm sorry. Let's change this topic. So, about me... I've lived with Vera my whole life and I have a few friends. I have never been in love and... I love cheese. I have a sister, you, and my real mother is a queen.''

''Well, at least we have one thing in common. Cheese!''

''Yeah.'' We both chuckled.

''This is nice. I don't want to leave you, James.'' I moped.

''I know it's going to be hard. We've only just found each other.''

''I must go now. It's going to get dark soon.''

''Good luck. I know you'll succeed.''

''Thank you.''

''We'll definitely catch up on our stories, once you return.''

''I would love that.''

''I'll wait for your return. Until then, I'll be in your heart. Always and Forever.''

''Always and Forever.'' I repeated.

We embraced each other, for the final time, and shed a few tears. Sorrow filled our hollow eyes, as I refused to let go of my brother. His touch was affectionate and warming.

After several moments of grief and woe, our hearts were once again, lit. We knew that once I would return, things would settle down for the better. I would finally be reunited with my brother...

''Are you ready to leave?'' Nixie asked.

''Yes, I'm ready.''

''Come on. The horses are ready.'' Tristan added.

''Ok, go ahead. I'll be there in a moment.''

As Nixie and Tristan left to get their horses, I gave James one final goodbye and embrace. Well, it wasn't goodbye, yet. Soon, I would return to him and take him to his rightful home, Aereth.

''Goodbye James.'' I said, trying to restrain my tears from gushing down.

''Goodbye Ivana. Take care of yourself.''

''I will. Here, take this.''

''But, it's your necklace.''

''No, it's the family heirloom. Take it and wait for my return.''

''Are you sure?''

''Absolutely. Just remember me when you hold it. I'll be back soon.''

''Thank you. I will keep it safe. You have my word.''

''I don't doubt it. Now, I must go, before I start to cry further.''

''See you soon.'' James waved, as he watched me exit his house.

So, as painful as it was, it was time to move on. It was time to journey to the last and final step, to my destiny. The dark times were approaching...



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