6. Campfires.

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Once nightfall had commenced, it was time to leave - again. As I gathered my belongings, I met the general, downstairs.

''Good luck on your journey. I pray you return victorious, Ivana. The kingdoms are relying on you. Make you mother, and us, proud.'' Shay bid me farewell, with one last embrace.

''I won't let you down.'' I replied, ruefully.

''Stay safe, dear. You were born for this!'' Lilith, too, held me in her arms.

''Nixie, don't ever leave your sisters' side. Your bond is what will get you through this.'' Shay added.

''I won't.'' She replied, dolefully.

Just as we were about to leave, Tristan and Audrey, followed behind.

''Tristan, make sure you stay safe and protect Ivana, at all costs.'' His father told him.

''I will, I promise, father.''

''Goodbye, my son.'' His mother cried.

''I won't let you down.''

''That's my boy.'' Lilith answered, with tears in her eyes.

''Good luck, Audrey.'' His parents told her.

And finally, it was time to leave. We gathered at the barn - to ready our horses for the days ahead. Princeton was eager to leave the barn -  he was always an enthusiastic horse. Tristan sat on his black and white horse- whilst Audrey, sat on her all-white horse. Their horses were indeed, gorgeous and why wouldn't they be? Horses are such majestic creatures - no wonder they're my favourite animal.

''Your horse is beautiful.'' Tristan told me.

''Thank you. His name is Princeton.''

''Well suited name! My horses name is Knight.''

''A lovely name, for a lovely horse.'' I chuckled.

''Ok, are you all ready to ride?'' I asked.


It was time to ride into the depths of nightfall. And... the journey to Alynthi, began...

We had been riding for hours and hours until... midnight, was soon, approaching. Our horses were tired, as were we. We decided to camp in the large woods, a few kilometres ahead.

''We'll take shelter there.'' I yelled.

''Good idea!'' Audrey replied.

The horses galloped further and a half hour later, we had entered the woodlands. I jumped off my horse, as he followed my footsteps. The rest, followed behind.

''We need to find a dry area to rest.'' Nixie began.

''I know, I'm trying to look for a good spot.''

''How about there?'' Tristan suggested.

''Hm, not bad. I don't think we should continue looking further, the horses are tired and I think my legs might fall off. Let's camp there.''

We dragged our bodies, to an area of dry mud and tall trees - to shelter us from any rainfall. Tristan and Nixie, went to collect wood for the fire, whilst me and Audrey set out the beds. It was mainly blankets and bags, used as pillows but, oh well. We were all too tired to care.

As everyone gathered around the fire, they began to heat their bodies. The end of nightfall, was somewhat chilly however, thankfully, it didn't rain. After an hour of warmth, everyone crawled into their beds, and immediately, dozed off. As much as my body needed sleep, my conscious drifted elsewhere. I couldn't help but miss my mother. I hope you're ok, mother. I miss you and I love you. Stay strong.

I kept having weird visions. Visions of a sword, a lake and some hideous looking demons. I also saw fire and a phoenix... Perhaps, they were moments from the future - I don't know. My mind was consumed with fatigue yet, I remained awake. Instantly, I got out of my blanket, and returned to the fire. I sat on a fallen tree trunk, and lost myself, in thought.

''Can't sleep?'' A voice whispered.

''Tristan?'' I replied, startled.

''Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump. Can I join you?''

''No, it's fine. And, sure.''

He climbed onto the tree trunk, beside me, and warmed his hands in the fire.

''So, what's wrong?'' He questioned, concerned.

''I miss my mother and...''


''You're probably going to think I'm mad...''

''I won't, I promise.''

''I keep seeing things - like visions. They might be from the future, I don't know. It's all confusing and too much to bare.'' My eyes, filled with slight tears.

''Ivana, I've only just met you but, I know your strong and courageous. If there's anyone in the world, who can do this, it's you.''

''Thank you, Tristan. It means a lot.''

''No problem.'' He smiled.

Silence broke through. The only sound that was audible, was the sound of the rustling trees and crackling fire wood. Should I say something? I wandered, strangely.

''Are you not tired?'' I began.

''No, you?''


''We should try and rest though. We need the energy.'' He mentioned.

''Your right. Goodnight.''

Just as I got up from up from the trunk, I tripped on a hidden twig. Luckily, Tristan was quick to grab my waist and pull me away from the fire. He pulled my arm, and we had fallen, behind the trunk. We landed on a pile of leaves and twigs but, fortunately, I had landed on top of him. His hands were warm and secure, as they surrounded my back. I couldn't help but feel vulnerable. Ivana, what are you doing? Get off of him. But, my body seemed paralysed. I couldn't move, even If I wanted to. I gazed into his emerald eyes, and instantaneously, looked away. What's happening to me?

''You can look at me, you know. You won't turn to stone.'' He whispered.

''Sorry.'' I blurted, as I immediately, got off his chest.

We returned to gravity and soon, went back to our beds. My bed was behind Tristan's and I couldn't help, but think of him. The way he held me. The way he mysteriously, looked at me. His touch... GO TO SLEEP, IVANA. I howled, at myself.

Morning had broken and once again, we were back on our travels. But first, it was time for some fruit. As Audrey woke from her sleep, she walked towards Tristan, and gave him a kiss. I didn't mean to pry but, I couldn't help but stare. He kissed her intimately, as she sat in his lap and caressed his face. Why do I feel angry?

''Ivana!'' Nixie nudged my shoulders.

''Sorry.'' I answered, embarrassingly.

''Remember why you're here. What your mother said.''

''Your right. Thanks for the reminder.''

As the couple retreated, from their intimate greeting, Tristan looked my way. I lowered my gaze and instead, went to tend to the horses. Nixie was right. The journey had only begun... I couldn't become weak. I couldn't lose sight of my purpose. At least, not now.



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