13. Unbearable.

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''So, are you going to tell me what happened?'' Nixie asked, whilst sliding off her horse.

''Yes, come with me.''

Me and Nixie decided to go deeper into town, whilst I told her about mother's letter.

''What happened?''

''Bernard happened.''

''Wait, Bernard? As in the royal messenger bird? How did he get here?''

''He brought a letter from mother. Here, read it.'' I said, as I took the letter, out of my pocket.


''Oh no! Mom's not well.''

''No, we cannot be sad. We have to stay strong, for her. It's what she would want.''

''I miss her. I hope she's ok.''

''Nixie, she's our mother. The strongest woman we know. I have to fulfil my destiny then, we can return to Aereth and see her.''

''That's true. We have to stay strong.''

''I know the letter was for me but, I know mother would say the same to you. Come on, lets head back.''

''I know she would have.'' Nixie smiled.

Back at the tent, we were served the usual menu for most towns; bread and beer. Nixie dug right into her food and, so did Audrey. I nibbled at the side of my bread but, decided to have some water instead. You can't blame me. I'm a princess. I'm not used to these foods although, I did appreciate the gesture. Nixie was a different story. She'd eat everything.

Tristan seemed a little normal, now that he ate some food. It was all that I was concerned about. Ivana, don't think about him. Remember! I told myself. Unfortunately, my heart got the better of me. I couldn't help but think about him. About his soft, golden hair, emerald eyes and perfect lips. I craved to kiss him but, the promise I had made myself, came knocking through.

''Excuse me.'' I told everyone, as I ambled towards my tent.

My room was rather chilly however, in a refreshing way. Abruptly, I felt my body heating up. It wasn't the room so, what could it have been? My lower body pounded in agony, as I sat on my bed. I knew what it was. It was the mark on my thigh. It burned, sending electrical impulses, down my body. It sizzled, crackled and stung. OUCH! I screamed, quietly. I didn't know what to do but, just as I thought, the voices had returned. This time, they weren't voices. They were words.

'Ivana Everly!' The voice, howled.

'Who are you? How do you know my name?' My mind bellowed.

'I am Helios. You will meet me soon.'

'I have never heard of you. Tell me who you are or, I'll kill you.'

'Hasn't your mother told you?'

'My mother? Keep her out of this or else!' I shrieked.

'See you soon, Ivana.'

'No! Tell me who you are!'

But, the voices had vanished. And, so did the burning of my mark. Who is Helios? What does this have to do with mother? Why did he say we were going to meet soon? This is too much for me! I held my head, in affliction.

I wanted to get my dagger, and carve out the mark. It probably wouldn't have been of use but, at least I would have tried. Each time the mark burned, the intensity increased.

I lay there, staring at the blank walls. Pondering about the future, my mother and about my destiny - as usual. Sometimes, I had doubts about myself. What if I fail? What if I die? What if both, mother and I, die? What if I was just a regular girl. Then, I saw it.

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