37. Kingdom Of Enora.

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As noon was upon us, the throne room began to fill up. It was time to make a decision, I had been longing to do. As myself and Tristan were escorted to the room, I observed the crowd of anxious expressions. No-one knew what I was about say but, me. I could already sense the tension in the air. It was time to speak...

''I have called upon all of your presence, as I have some urgent matters to discuss. As you all may or may not know, I embarked on a journey to defeat the demons of Morpheus, not long ago. It was my destiny to rid the kingdoms of evil and to ensure protection on my people. Post the battle, I sent my men to rebuild the kingdom so, I can fill it with any people in need of a home.''

I heard cries, laughter's and sighs of relief, as I continued to tell the people of my plans.

''Aside from this news, I have another imperative matter, I want to mention to you. Along my travels, I met my long-lost brother, James. As queen, I have decided to make James the rightful general of the new kingdom I intent to build. The kingdom of Enora.''

The room grew with gasps, wide eyes and shocking expressions. I tried to keep the atmosphere tranquil however, the crowd expanded with questions and comments.

''Can we all remain silent for a moment. Let the queen finish her words, thank you.'' Tristan interrupted.

''As I was saying, James shall be the general of Enora and he may wish to call upon whomever he wants, to live in his kingdom. I know you must all be having questions of this news but, I urge you to believe my words. He is my blood brother and I shall not tolerate any harsh words against him.'' I finished.

''But, how is he your brother?'' One of the men questioned.

Without bringing shame upon my mother's reputation, I tried coming up with an answer or, lie.

''He was snatched from my mother, at birth. I knew he was my brother because he had the other half to the royal heirloom.'' I lied, guiltily.

''Could this be a lie?'' Another yelled but, I refused to answer him.

''You may be excused. The meeting is dismissed.'' Tristan demanded.

As the crowd exited the room, James and Vera, stayed behind.

''Ivana, you didn't have to.''

''James, it's the least I can do for you. You, Vera and every villager known to you, deserves this kingdom.''

''My dear, you have bestowed us with utmost happiness. How can we ever repay you?''

''No, Vera. As you said, we are family and all I ask of you, is you stay happy in your new home.''

''Thank you.'' James and Vera said, whilst embracing me affectionately.

''Ivana, I can't thank you enough.''

''You're my brother, James. I'd do anything for you.''

''Thank you, dear.''

''The kingdom should be ready to move in, around 4 days. You may pack and get ready for your new lives and also, tell the villagers too.''

''Thank you once again!'' James said, with a large smile on his face.

''It was my pleasure.'' I smiled.

''I'm sorry you had to lie for me.''

''No, it wasn't your fault. It was mothers but, I didn't want to bring shame to her reputation.''

''You did a good thing.'' Vera said, looking at me proudly.

''Now, you must both go and pack. I wish you a successful journey home as well as a good life in your new kingdom.''

''Thank you. Until next time, sister.''

''Until next time, brother.''

Whilst exiting the throne room, James and Vera had gone to pack for their journey home. I reverted to my chambers and noticed Tristan sitting on the balcony. I was going to surprise him but, suddenly, my vision had blurred. The room started spinning and I was seeing two of everything. My head pounded in affliction, as I squeezed my head, to ease the agony.

''AHHH!'' I yelled.

''IVANA!'' Tristan shouted, racing towards me.

I couldn't speak nor, could I move. I didn't know what was happening but, within moments, I had become near to unconscious. I could only hear muffled sounds of Tristan's voice, as I continued to fade away...



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