9. Feelings.

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The glistening rays of the sun, shone out of the miniature window. I decided to get up and get dressed for the day. The once bloody wound, had now been imprinted, as a mark, onto my thigh. As I removed the bandage, the wound became more visible. It looked like something; that of a blade, an unclear face and other weird shapes. This is odd...What does it mean? I hid the mark, with my overlay, and headed out of the tent. Abruptly, I was stopped.

''Good morning, Ivana.'' Tristan smiled.

''Good morning.''

''How is your leg?''

''Much better. Thank you.'' I lied.

I can't tell him about the mark. I can't tell anyone.

''Are you sure? Let me see.'' He insisted.

''Tristan, it's fine. I promise.''

''Ok, that's good to hear. Shall we go meet the others?''


Nixie still looked tired whereas, Audrey was full of energy. She greeted us with a quick hug before, she jumped into Tristan's arms. Can't she do this...elsewhere. I thought, irritated. She gave Tristan a morning kiss, before re-joining us. If this is going to happen every morning, god forbid I don't kill myself. I thought, angrily.

I saw Tristan look at me. As if he were sorry for kissing Audrey. But, it couldn't have been true. They loved each other so, why would he give me that look? I'm just over thinking things. He continued to glower, my way until, as usual, I excused myself. I decided to check up on Princeton but, the thoughts of Tristan, loitered through my mind.

''Ivana, are you ok?'' Nixie appeared out of nowhere.

''Oh, hey Nixie. I'm fine.''

''Are you sure?''


''I can see the way you look at him, you know. It's ok to feel.''

''I know... I can't afford to feel - there's too much at stake.'' I sighed.

''You deserve happiness too, I want you to know that. Just follow your heart and don't let this destiny thing, pressurise you. Promise me you'll take care.''

''I promise. Besides, he loves Audrey. They're happy and I'm not going to get in the way of that.''

''Only time will tell.'' Nixie gave me a long, affectionate hug.

''Call the others. We must leave soon.'' I ordered.


I felt remorseful, for not telling Nixie about my mark. But, I know her. She'd begin investigating and get worried about it too much. It was for her own good.

''Good bye, your highness. Thank you for staying with us.'' Loxroth said.

''Thank you for your hospitality. It will not be forgotten.''

''Your welcome. Good luck on your travels.''

We all boarded our horses, and left the small, peaceful town. Luckily, the kingdom of Alynthi, was only a day's journey away. If we don't encounter any demons along the way, we would reach there safely.

''How far are we?'' Audrey asked.

''About a day's travel away.''

''Oh, that's good to hear.''

''Are we going to stay somewhere else or, camp tonight?'' Tristan questioned.

''Probably camp. There should be a forest, a couple of miles further ahead. We'll stay there.''

THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now