38. Two Royals.

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[Warning; Prepare for some time traveling]

I failed to recall moments before I collapsed, as I was soon, beginning to wake up. Still, my head felt heavy and I ached all over. As my eyes twitched open, I noticed Tristan and the royal doctor beside me.

"Tristan." I worded, painfully.

"Sh, your alright." He said, stroking my hands in care.

"Your majesty, I have good news. You are pregnant."

"I... What? How? But..." I stuttered.

"Ivana, your going to be a mother and I, a father."

It took me moments to digest these facts, before sitting up in my bed. I'm pregnant? I thought, as tears trickled down my hollow cheeks. Once the doctor had been excused, I began to feel my stomach, emotionally. This was happening so soon but, I was over the moon regardless.

"I'm going to be a mother." I repeated.

"Yes, Ivana. This is the greatest news, anyone could have ever given me."

He came close to give me a passionate kiss, before helping me stand on my two feet. This was the beginning of something beautiful. A family...

[9 Months Later]

My cramps grew stronger, as my head bounced in throbbing. I was shrieking in agony as my stomach stretched further. The pain became unbearable. I continued to pant and scream until, I had enough. The baby was coming...

"NURSE! QUICK!" Tristan bellowed.

"TRISTANNNNN!" I bawled, trying to remain as calm as I could.

Thankfully, the nurse had come to start the process of birth. I began breathing heavily and pushed through minute intervals. My body was dropping with sweat, whilst my insides twisted in torment. I was consumed with knife-like pains all over, as I continued to push. Minutes turned into almost 10 hours until... I gave my last and foremost push and I had finally, given birth. I felt relief puncture through me, as I sobbed with tears of happiness.

"Your majesty, I am pleased to say you have given birth to two beautiful girls." The nurse announced.

Wait, two girls? I gave birth to twins? Two Royals? My mind spoke, shocked. I couldn't believe my sight, as my daughter's lay above my bare chest. Their tiny hands, sleepy eyes, thick hair and small feet. My beautiful daughters... I continued to weep.

"They're beautiful." Tristan cried, upon seeing his children for the first time.

I couldn't speak further as the words refused to leave my lips. Instead, my eyes spoke with tears of elation, happiness and bliss.

Whilst my babies were changing, Tristan helped me get up from the bed. With the assistance of many maids, I was finally changed into a more comfortable and appealing gown. It was a dark purple, floaty dress - which kept me cool, after a very painful evening.

"They have your eyes and lips." Tristan spoke, holding one of the twins, whilst I held the other.

"They have your nose, eyebrows and dimples." I said, admiring my adorable daughters further.

We couldn't help but, gaze at our children. Their beauty was unimaginable and our hearts, were already theirs. I love you... I whispered to them, whilst laying a gentle kiss, on their forehead.


A week had passed and it was time to announce the royal heirs of Aereth, to their kingdom. I changed my newborn daughters, into matching white silk dresses; with matching shoes and headbands. They were truly, princesses. I wore an ivory gown - which was embellished in lace detailing. It was a somewhat loose fitting gown and thankfully, comfortable. I paired it with white diamond heels and kept my hair in one French braid.

"Are you ready?" Tristan asked me.

"Yes. Come, let's go."

"My three girls, look absolutely gorgeous." He smiled, giving me a quick kiss.

Tristan held one of the twins, as we walked to the main balcony. There, we were to show our daughters and reveal their names, to the public. It was time...

I opened the double doors to the royal balcony, and noticed the courtyard was filled with people, coming to see their future heirs. The crowd cheered and waved at us in excitement, whilst patiently waiting for the announcement.

"Thank you all for coming. I am pleased to announce the birth of two royals; my twin daughters. The future queens and heirs, of Aereth." I began.

"May I present, Princess Elara Everly Knight and Princess Elena Everly Knight." I said, as we lifted our girls into the air.

The people screamed and jumped in ecstasy, whilst seeing our daughters.

"LONG LIVE THE QUEEN." They chanted.

"LONG LIVE THE KING." They added.

[A few years later]

What can I say? Time flew by, within a blink of an eye. My girls had just turned six years old and it was also mine and Tristan's sixth anniversary. James, Vera and many other villagers were living content lives in Enora and... how can I forget? Nixie and Griffin got married two years ago and had a charming son, named Edward.

The kingdoms lived in peace and... I was pregnant with my third child. I couldn't have asked for a better life, as I enjoyed every moment in these six years. Being queen, wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be and having Tristan by my side, made everything easier. He was the best husband, I could have ever dreamed of.

"Mommy!" Elara called.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Daddy said there's someone here to see you."

"Ok, tell daddy I'm coming."

I wonder who it could have been? So, I left my chambers, and headed to the grand entrance of the palace. There, I saw a man standing at the door. His face was hidden in the shadows of the wall, as I tried to see his face. But, as he came forward, my face dropped to the ground. My eyes blinked restlessly, for I couldn't believe my sight. It couldn't have been. It was impossible. How?

"Father...?" I whispered, gobsmacked.


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