29. Negotiations.

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As the gloomy moon, returned to its resting place, dawn had loomed. The edges of the sun, became visible through the thick clouds and dense atmosphere. Still, there was a little sunlight, gleaming past the darkness. It was time.

As the protection spell was lifted, we snuck past the demons of the walls, and entered the kingdom. Suddenly, the weather became frosty, as the storms of the mountains, drifted towards us. I hugged my arms tight, to conserve the little heat that resided within me. Slowly, our teeth began to chatter, as we approached the skull-like cave.

Seconds later, we were fenced by an army of demons, impatiently waiting to kill us.

''NOW!'' I shrieked to Nixie and Tristan.

Within seconds, we retrieved every particle of magic and weapon we carried, and gashed it through the demons. Majority of them, had begun to encircle me. I grabbed my phoenix sword and upon seeing its mighty red and gold light, several demons ran away. Those that remained, were instantly, demolished. I used the sword, as well as my newly claimed phoenix powers, and the demon army had immediately, turned to mere dust and ashes.

I panted, to reduce the exasperation from fighting. Soon, my body returned to normal. My powers began to unlock and cultivate stronger, as if it were a never-ending bottle of strength. I gathered my confidence and stepped closer to my father's home.

''That was amazing!'' Nixie whispered over my shoulders.

''Thanks.'' I smiled, excited to use my powers again.

As we entered the demonic cave - which was guarded by two large demons, I gathered my phoenix powers and began the killing process. As I punctured the sword through their hollow bodies, the red light, fired into their black souls. They shrieked in agony yet, remain unheard. I tightened my fists, to ensure their throats got strangled and momentarily, crushed every sunken bone that they were made of. They were extinct. That felt... rather good. I thought.

''Remind me to never get on your bad side.'' Nixie chuckled.

''I want both of you to stay here. I must meet my father, alone.''

''But, what if he harms you? He's done it before and he'll do it again.'' Tristan spoke, anxiously.

''I'm his daughter, he won't. Even if he does, I can handle him. Now, go. Hide!'' I instructed them.

''Good luck.'' Nixie whined, embracing me for the final time.

''Good luck.'' Tristan said, with a hole in his face. He gave me another kiss, before departing from me.

''I'll see you both soon. Stay safe and I'll find you when I return. Go!'' I replied.

As the pair vanished into the foggy air, I continued to explore further. There were spider webs, scorpions, rattle snakes and other filthy creatures, crawling up the spines on the cave. It sent chills, down my frightened spine. I stepped closer and deeper into the cave until, I heard a voice. It was him. My father, Helios. But, where was the voice coming from?

I followed the loud echoes and listened to his harsh words. He was told of my arrival and seemed, rather alarmed. I could hear him screech my name and command the demons to hunt me. It was almost, frightening.

There it was. Another room in the cave. It seemed as if it was a throne room, only, more hideous. I peeked over the edges of the stone door, and watched my father give orders to his people. I guess he knew what was coming. As the room became empty, I pushed the stone door, and walked in. It was time to face my father.

''Ivana, you came.'' His voice deepened.

''Yes, Helios. I came.''

''Now, that's not how you greet your father, is it? Come.''

''Why should I? You sent your evil creatures to kill me. A father would never want to harm his daughter!" I bawled.

''And a daughter would never want to kill her own father, would she?'' He answered, cutting my tongue off from speaking.

''I...I.'' I stuttered.

''What brings about your presence?''

''I've come to negotiate.''

''Negotiate? What could you possibly want to negotiate about?'' He laughed, in a demonic tone.

''You. Your demons. Your evil plans.''

''Tell me. What would you like to negotiate about?''

''I want you to stand down. Tell your demons to stop killing innocent people. I want you to stop your plans, of ridding the three realms of magic!''

''Haha! You must be joking, am I correct? I would never do that!'' He mocked.


''Magic is what destroyed my people in the Great Battle. So, I must destroy that which can destroy my kingdom. It's simple really.''

''No, you can't! How can you even think of destroying innocent people and their homes? All, for the greed of magic? How can you be so ruthless?''

''I am not being ruthless, I am ruthless. Have you not learnt? No-one can stop me from destroying magic. NO-ONE!'' He barked.

''I thought you were different. That, maybe there was a spark of goodness in you. We could have lived a normal life together but, NO. YOU'RE A DEMON AND IM GOING TO KILL YOU!''

''There is it. The anger, rage, fury and thirst for revenge. Your just like me!'' He continued to cackle, in a dark manner.


''As you wish. Now, get out of my sight. The 'negotiations' are over!''

''You better watch your back! I'm coming for you...'' I warned him, furiously.

''GUARDS, SEIZE HER!'' He ordered.

Before the demons could get hold of me, I teleported to where we had slept last night. It was time to regroup, rethink and get ready for... WAR!


The battle is approaching. Get ready for some action!


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