3. Nixie.

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Nixie [P.O.V]

Why do I feel so nervous? Calm down, Nixie! He's just a guy. Well, I've never spoken to one so, AHH.

I left the barn, in hope that I would find Griffin. But, I couldn't see past the darkness. Oh no! What if I get lost?

''Nixie, what are you doing out in the cold?'' Griffin asked.

''Griffin! Thank god! I thought I was lost.''

''Your safe, don't worry. But, why are you out here?''

''Uh... I was looking for you.''

''Me? Why?''

''I um couldn't sleep and I thought I'd talk to you.''

''Here, take my shawl and come with me.''

He led me to his blacksmith shack - which had a pile of hot coal, in the centre. The heat was protective and warming. Soon, I was beginning to warm up.

''So, what do you want to talk about?'' He asked, whilst rubbing his hands together - to warm up.

''Anything...I don't know.''

''Tell me about yourself.''

''I uh work along-side Ivana. I love horse-riding and fighting...''


What if he doesn't like me? Did I sound like a fool?

''I'm sorry, it's just that... I've never spoken to a guy before...''

''Seriously? But, your so beautiful, I don't believe it.''

''You think I'm beautiful?''

''Of course.''

I think I was flushing bright red or, it might have been due to the heat of the fire. Either way, I was burning with nervousness.

''So, what about your parents?'' He continued.

''They died when I was 5. Queen Athena is like my mother. She has cared for me ever since.''

'I'm so sorry. It explains why you work in the palace.''

''It's ok. Enough about me, tell me about yourself.''

''Well, I'm a blacksmith and I help around the village. I also have a thing for brunettes.''

I could sense the feelings, in his words. It made my insides fluster weirdly. I lowered my gaze, In hope he would understand my unease but, he didn't. Instead, he lifted my chin and gaped into my dark eyes.

''What's wrong?'' He whispered.

''I uh um.'' I stuttered.

''There's something about you.''


''I don't know but, whatever it is, it's making me fall for you.'' He told.

''Griffin, I have to go tomorrow, you know that.''

''And you knew that, before you came to find me.''

''I know.'' I sighed.

''So, what now?'' He asked- with a hint of misery in his words.

''I don't know...''

He didn't speak but, instead, pressed his lips against my cheek. His kiss was innocent, soft and loving. Is this what love at first sight feels like?

''Why can't you stay?'' He asked.

There was a hint of desperation in his eyes...

''I can't abandon Ivana. We have to complete a task together and then, I promise, I will return to you.''

''I will wait for your return. As of now, goodnight.''

I rested my arm, on his shoulders, as he led me back to his home. I didn't think it was possible to feel like this, for a guy I only met, today. Griffin was different. Not that I had met other guys but, I could sense he was different. He was kind, caring and loving.

''Goodnight.'' He said, once more.


I gave him a last embrace, before returning to my bed. My face was glued with a smile of bliss. Tonight, I was going to sleep wonderfully...

The morning was bright, jolly and loud. I felt a tingle on my face and as I opened my eyes, I bolted in shock. The little lamb, was licking my face. As if I looked like food! Eww.I didn't hate animals but, I certainly didn't like my face being licked. I got out of bed and immediately, washed my face - with the water from a small basin. I noticed the table was laid with food - bread, water and apples.

''How did you sleep, my dear children?'' The wife asked.

''Great, thank you for your hospitality.''

''It was much appreciated.'' Nixe replied.

''It was our pleasure.'' She smiled.

We sat at the table and abruptly, ate the food. We had to leave soon, as we needed to reach the kingdom. After all, it was a matter of destiny.

Once breakfast was finished, we were given our horses and thereupon, we bid the family goodbye. Other neighbours came to bid us farewell too. Griffin and Nixie, spent a few moments alone, before she returned to her horse. Momentarily, we rode out of the village, and continued heading south. I noticed Nixie look back... probably at Griffin.

As our horses galloped slower, me and Nixie were riding side by side. The kingdom of Shanara was only a few miles ahead.

''So, what happened?'' I questioned.

''I like him, Ivana. I didn't think it was possible, as I only met him but, I do.''

''You could have stayed.''

''No, I could never leave you. No matter what.''

''Aw, Nixie. Thank you but, what about you two.''

''If fate is good, I will return to this village. After your destiny has been fulfilled.''

''I pray that day is soon.'' I exhaled.

''Me too.''

Alas, we were here. The kingdom of Shanara!


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