7. Gnomes.

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We were still, three days away, till we reached the kingdom of Alynthi. After riding for several hours, we had entered gnome territory. The gnomes were friendly and peaceful creatures. They had no quarrels with any kingdom in fact, they were our biggest allies. I used to visit this village, when I was young. The gnomes would always give me confectionary and treat me with utmost affection plus, the baby gnomes were simply adorable.

''We have entered Gnome territory. Let's go and meet with them.'' I hollered.

''Ok!'' Nixie answered, from further ahead.

''Ok!" Tristan yelled, from the side.

Once we had entered the dwarf-like village, we were greeted by the gnomes.

''Princess Ivana, you have returned!'' Tobin exclaimed.

''Good to see you Tobin!'' I replied, whilst getting off my horse.

''And, who are your friends?''

''Tobin, this is my best friend, Nixie. This is General Shay's son, Tristan, from the kingdom of Shanara. And, this is Audrey. Everyone, this is Tobin - the head Gnome of the village.''

''It is lovely to meet you all. Please, do come inside.''

''It is a pleasure to meet you too.'' Nixie said.

''Hello there.'' Tristan answered.

''Hi.'' Audrey added.

We followed Tobin, into his cottage like house. Tobin was a large gnome -who had a long grey beard and light brown, oval eyes. He wore old looking clothes, and the same pair of trousers - he refused to throw away. He wore the same pair of shoes; his mother had stitched for him and he had a rather high-pitched voice. He was adorable.

His house was weirdly shaped but, cute nevertheless. It had oval shaped windows and was surrounded by oak gates and strawberry patches. Inside, there was small furniture, a round shaped sofa and a few dwarf sized bedrooms. It felt home-like.

''Ivana, dear. Is that really you?'' Hesbi asked, shocked.

''It is! It's so nice to see you Hesbi!'' I greeted her, with a long embrace.

Hesbi, was Tobin's wife. She was the mother of all gnomes - kind, warm and soft. Every time I visited, she would always bake my favourite chocolate fudge cake. She was a middle-aged gnome with blonde hair and large blue eyes. She wore simple frilly dresses and flat buttoned shoes.

''Oh my! You look exactly like your mother. Beautiful.''

''Thank you Hesbi. You haven't aged a bit either!"'

''Aw, thank you child. If I had known you were coming, I would have baked your favourite cake.''

''It's ok. It's the thought that counts besides, we cannot stay. My friends and I, must travel to the kingdom of Alynthi. We have urgent matters to discuss.''

''Oh no. is everything ok?'' She asked, worriedly.

''Yes, I must complete a task - which is why I need to be there as soon as possible.''

''Oh but, you must stay. Please, I insist. If not for us, can you stay for baby Fifi?''

''Baby Fifi? You had a baby? Congratulations!'' I said, excitedly.

''Ivana, I think we should stay.'' Tristan spoke.

''Ok, fine. Hesbi knew I couldn't resist gnome babies.''

''Excellent! Come, I will show you to your rooms.'' Tobin clapped his tiny hands.

''I'm sorry, they might be a bit small.'' Hesbi added.

''We appreciate your kindness, thank you.'' Nixie said.

We were each, given a room of our own. The rooms were small but, cosy. They had a single bed and a few shelves for storage. Each room had its own oval window and a lamp shade- which hovered in the centre of the ceiling. Once we were settled down, I offered to play with baby Fifi. She was the cutest creature, I had ever met. A tiny gnome - with large ears, blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She wore clothes like her mother, a frilly blue frock and matching buttoned shoes.

Later that evening, I was taken to greet the other gnomes of the village. They greeted me wholeheartedly and praised my welcome. I met some familiar faces too; Dipsy, Gordon, Odin, Anubis and Wilgim. It was lovely to see them again.

Just as we began to walk back home, my visions had returned. Voices calling my name, shadows creeping in the sky. The darkness was coming... Evil had returned...

''Tobin, I have to go. Urgently!'' I shrieked, as I ran to warn the others.

''Ivana, why!''

''Evil has returned. The demons of Morpheus, are coming. I'm sorry but, I must go. I can't put you all in danger.''

''But, we can fight them - together.''

''No, Tobin. This is my destiny. I will not risk your lives.''

Once I had reached the small cottage, I ran to find the rest.

''We have to leave! NOW!'' I ordered.

''What happened?'' Nixie asked, anxiously.

''Is everything alright?''

''I'll tell you all, once we're away from this village. I can't put the gnomes in unnecessary risk. They don't deserve what's coming.''

The others followed my lead, as we left the cottage, and sat on our horses.

''Goodbye gnomes. Thank you for everything. I will return when this is over!'' I proclaimed.

''Good luck, princess.'' They chanted.

Immediately, we rode through the gates, far from the gnome village. My instincts were screeching in fear.

The demons, were close...



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