35. Double The Joy.

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Morning had broken and the bells had begun to chime. It was a day of double joys. A day, where I would be crowned Queen of Aereth and also... become Tristan's wife. Or, the other way around. Regardless, it was a day of celebrations, smiles, excitement and also, stress... Everybody and I meant, EVERYBODY was going to be present at the ceremonies. People of the other kingdoms and even my distant relatives. I would get to see Nixie again, as well as James, Griffin and the GNOMES. It was going to be a day, everyone would remember. I felt butterflies, tingle within my stomach, as I tried to remain calm.

"My lady, are you ready to be dressed?" My trusted maiden called.

"Yes, you may enter Alice."

"I promise to make you the most beautiful queen and bride, any realm has ever seen. Of course, your beauty is indescribable as it is, my lady."

"You are too kind, Alice. Now, shall we get ready?"

Alice had dressed me for both the occasions. She was the best maiden/seamstress, anyone could have asked for but, above all, she was my friend. Firstly, she zipped me in a gorgeous white and pink lace gown - which was embroidered with silver patterns, rare diamonds and crystals. The dress was fit for a queen and certainly, perfect as a wedding gown. She further curled my hair and added fresh rose petals, into my hidden braids. She applied the most elegant makeup and adorned me in shimmering, white crystallised heels and simple jewellery.

Alas, it was time to add the finishing touch - my veil. My veil was made of white lace and trailed at around 10 feet. I wanted it to be simple yet, beautiful because my gown was already too exquisite. As Alice placed the veil onto my head, I couldn't believe my eyes. Is this really me? I gazed at myself, in the tall mirror upfront.

"My lady, you look beautiful."

"It is your hard work, that has payed off."

"Thank you."

''I wish you the best of luck for the ceremonies.'' Alice smiled.

"Thank you Alice. Now, will you check on Tristan for me? You may be excused."

"Yes, my lady."

As I continued to adorn any extra touches, I couldn't help but feel a weight sit on my body. It was a weight of responsibility and leadership. Becoming queen, was certainly, no ordinary role. I also wandered how Tristan looked. I hadn't seen him in 24 hours and honestly, it felt like an eternity.

"Your highness, you presence is required in the throne room." Leo called from my door.

"I'll be there in a moment."

This was it. The moment I had been born for. It was time to take my place, on the throne of Aereth. As I was escorted to the ball room, I noticed hundreds of people, present to witness my coronation. The atmosphere was overwhelming, as I elegantly, walked through the secure doors of the hall. The room was filled with my favourite flowers; roses of all colours, shapes and sizes. The dozen chandeliers were burning with light, the seating tables were adorned with lace and ribbon and above all, I noticed my 20 tiered cake sitting on a table made of pure gold. I had never seen, such a rare and magnificent sight...

As I paced towards the front of the hall, I noticed many of my friends, smiling in excitement. Nixie and Griffin had returned, James and Vera were also present but, most of all, my soon to my husband stood handsomely amongst the crowd. I blushed, shyly, as the crowd cheered and waved in bliss. Once I had reached the altar, my priest had told me to kneel, whilst he began to speak. The crowd became mute, as the ceremony commenced.

''We have gathered here today, to mark the beginning of a new era. Do you, Ivana Everly, solemnly swear to protect your people, whatever the costs may be.''

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