34. Black.

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After several hours of intense thinking, I was awoken by a loud knock.

"Your highness, you must come out. It is a matter of urgency!" The guard yelled, continuing to bash my chamber doors.

"I'm coming. You may depart." I answered.

"Tristan! Tristan! Wake up. The guards are calling for us!"

"What happened. Is everything ok?" He replied, whilst yawning from his deep rest.

"I don't know. We must get changed, quick."

Hastily, I threw on my royal robe and exited my chambers. Tristan, too, followed behind. I followed the guards, to what looked like my mother's chambers.

"Guards, what is the matter?" I yelled.

"It is the queen. You may see for yourself, your highness."

The queen? Was mother alright? Had she recovered or...

As we entered through the sturdy doors, my eyes drowned with tears. Remorse. Guilt. Heartache. Mother...was dead. She lay there, lifelessly. Hey eyes were staring into the beyond, her icy lips were stitched with dried blood and her body... was as cold as the winters frost. She was no more. How could she have died so fast? I threw the poultice away.

As I walked closer to her soulless corpse, I closed her wrinkled eyelids, and let out cries of grief. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for not listening to you. What you did was wrong mother but, I forgive you. I wish your soul finds peace. I wept.

"I'm so sorry, Ivana." Tristan whispered, holding my body in mourning.

"I didn't get to say good bye. It's all my fault. If I hadn't spoken to her harshly, things could have been different."

"Ivana, your not to blame. This wasn't your fault. Your mother was dying and she died a natural death. It was her time to leave. It's how fate decided it to be." Tristan consoled me.

"I know but... Can you give me a moment?"

"Of course. I'll be waiting in our chambers, for your return."

Just as Tristan left the room, I crawled onto the bed, and spoke to my mother. I felt an emptiness open within me, as if a piece of my soul had been torn. Mother, forgive me. I didn't mean to harm you, I was angry and hurt. I should have listened. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me.

I continued to mourn my mother, until I noticed the poultice lying near her bed. Odd. I don't remember throwing it there. But, then I thought something. What if the poultice had worked, despite me saying the spell. God forbid, had I killed my own Mother? No. So, I picked up the little bag of posion and set it to flames. No-one could ever find out, that I intended my mother harm. Whether it was my fault, or not.

"Consult the court physician. Have him prepare the body for the funeral." I instructed one of the guards, upon leaving the depressing chambers.

"Of course, your highness."

I dragged my body, back to my room, as I continued to ponder over my recent actions. This changed everything. I was surely to become queen in the forthcoming days and the pressures of my duties, had only just begun...

"Ivana, how are you feeling?"


"I'm sorry. I didn't even get the chance to meet with her."

THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now