8. Marked.

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I could sense the darkness, warning me from within. My body shivered in anticipation, as my insides chimed in alarm. They were close...

As we slipped off our horses, we all huddled together. Twilight was near - the demons had chosen the wrong time to fight.

''Ivana, what's happening!'' Tristan asked, persistently.

''The demons, they're here...''

''WHAT?'' Nixie bellowed.

''I could sense them - when we were in the gnome village. I couldn't put their lives at risk.''

''But, where are they?'' Audrey asked, frightened.

''Sh, they're nearby. Listen.''

''Ivana, what shall we do?''

''Tristan, just stay together. I'll kill them, don't worry.''

The atmosphere was silent yet, it danced with fear and angst. The clouds darkened, as the moon turned grey. Shadows, hovered above us, as they spiralled in delusion. Alas, something was visible, in the distance. A sudden fog, grew around us, as we readied our swords, to fight. The demonic, bloodshot eyes, peaked through the fog, as the demons neared. The horses, whinnied in terror, as the demons charged towards us.

Tristan was first to attack. He retrieved his sword and slashed it through the demon's heart. This must have been a weak demon, as he burned into flames and soon, turned to ashes.

''Great job Tristan!"' I shouted.

Nixie was second. She whipped out her staff and used her magic on the demon however, the demon began to suck the life out of her. She pointed the staff, in the demon's face, and a strong blue light, shot out of the crystal. It penetrated through the demon's transparent body and within moments, it had faded away. Into oblivion.

''Well done Nixie!"' I yelled, as the strong winds, prevented me from speaking.

''Thank you!''

Audrey was next. The demon could sense she was magicless. His scrawny hands, neared her face but, just as she got out her sword, the demon had nearly killed her. If it hadn't been for Tristan, the demon would have taken her soul. Fortunately, Tristan has pierced the demon's heart, and it had vanished - into thin air.

The attack wasn't over - yet. Another demon, circled around me. I couldn't see my friends, as the fog created a wall, between us. This demon wasn't like the others. He was twice the size and had a dreadful face -which brought out the blood in his eyes. He had long nails that seemed like razor-sharp claws. His body was a whirlwind of shadows and I could almost... hear him speak to me. As he called my name, my body shuddered in panic.

''What do you want!'' I screamed.

''Youuuuuu.'' His deep voice, echoed.

I swung out my sword, and pointed it towards his body. He floated closer and closer until... His claws, scraped against my thigh. For some reason, the demon didn't want to kill me. It felt as if, he wanted to speak to me. To send me a message. But, I didn't understand...

''Get away or else, I'll kill you! You don't know who I am!''

His voice sounded like a long exhale. Should I kill him? He continued to float around me and observed my face. Until... Suddenly...He evaporated into thin air. He was gone. The fog had vanished and the moon continued to shine. The skies had cleared and all was, normal. The horses had stopped crying and I could finally, see my friends.

''Ivana, are you ok! We couldn't see you and we thought...'' Nixie cried, as she ran to give me a hug.

''Nixie, you didn't think I'd let a demon kill me, did you?'' I reassured her, sarcastically.

THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now