18. Goodbye.

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As dawn approached, I twitched my eyes open and broke my slumber. Last night's encounter, still lingered through my mind. Why can't I forget about it? Helios is NOT MY FATHER! My mind bellowed. Before I continued to breakdown, I hopped from the ground, and readied myself for the day. I needed to reach the lake of Valour, as soon as possible. What lay ahead, was far greater than some pathetic demon, claiming to be my father.

''Good morning.'' I greeted everyone, trying to conceal my grief. They responded with a sleepless yawn and a fatigued smile.

''Come on, rise and shine! We have a long day ahead of us!'' I added.

''Someone's enthusiastic.'' Nixie commented.

I'm everything, but enthusiastic. I sighed.

''Good morning.'' Tristan said, whilst slugging his body up.

Audrey was disregarding my presence - it was understandable. She collected her bedding and stormed elsewhere. I should talk to her... I gave Nixie a warm hug, before she went off to tend to the horses. Meanwhile, me and Tristan remained behind.

''Hey...'' He began.

''Hi. Tristan, I have to ask... How did your talk with Audrey go?''

''Ivana, she'll get over it. Just give her time.''

''No, this mission is important for me. I can't let anyone's emotions make them weak. I'll talk to her.''

''As you wish princess. But, for now, can't you give me a sweet morning kiss?'' He smirked.


I gave him an odd glare - before bringing my face closer to his. We shared a quick yet, slow kiss and retreated, moments later. I persisted in his arms and soon, escaped his tender grasp.

''Did you sleep well?'' He asked.

Suddenly... My mind floated from reality. I recalled flashbacks of the human-demon and remembered him saying he was my father. I remembered his demonic yet, desperate eyes and the creepy runes on his body. I remembered him threatening me and telling me false stories of him and my mother. I couldn't forget him. I couldn't forget the things he told me. It was driving me insane.

''Ivana!'' Tristan yelled.

I jumped in fright. Oh no! Did I just freeze - again?

''I uh sorry. What did you um say?'' I stuttered, hesitantly.

''Are you ok? You look like you've just seen a ghost.''

''No, I am um fine. We should get going...''

Instantly, I left the campfire and sauntered behind the bushes. I met up with Nixie and leaped onto Princeton. The sooner we left, the sooner we'd reach the lake.

The journey was rather silent. Audrey was ignoring pretty much everyone, Nixie was focused on the map, Tristan 'tried' talking and me... Well, I continued to gallop further and further away. I couldn't bare the muteness. I don't know what I should do? Should I tell Nixie or Tristan? Should I send an air mail to mother? Should I keep it to myself. AAH! Why is my life like this! I didn't realise I was strangling my reins tighter, by the second. Princeton whinnied boisterously and within an instance, sprinted miles ahead.

''SLOW DOWN BOY!'' I hollered to my horse.

I heard Nixie and Tristan yelling from afar. I pulled the reins backwards and finally, my horse had stopped. I'm sorry boy. I whispered to him, whilst patting his Maine. What is happening to me?

THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now