12. Trying To Move On.

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As dawn had awoken, I couldn't help but, contemplate over last night. My heart wallowed in hurt, misery and woe. Ivana, you must put this behind you. There is too much at stake! I reminded myself. As I cleared my mind, I decided to freshen up, and get ready. I wore a black dress, which draped above my knee, a leather black overlay armoury dress - which was held together by a thick, studded belt and my usual, knee high boots. Wearing all black, made me feel like a warrior princess. Personally, it was my favourite outfit. I braided my hair, into a single French twist and alas, I was ready.

I re-joined everyone for breakfast but, noticed Tristan was nowhere to be seen.

''I hope you slept well, your highness.'' Cayden spoke.

''I did, thank you.''

''The food looks amazing.'' Nixie commented.

''Has anyone seen Tristan? We must leave soon.'' I asked, concerned.

I hope he is ok. Last night was rough...

''He wasn't in his room, when I woke up.'' Audrey replied.


''I may have seen him leave the palace, this morning. He should return, do not worry dear.'' Arabella told.

''Thank you.'' I smiled, concealing my pain.

Once breakfast was over, we all gathered our belongings - to prepare for our departure, in an hour.

''Ivana, give your mother our best wishes.''

''I will, general Cayden.''

''Take care, Ivana.'' Arabella said, as she caringly, embraced me.

''Goodbye.'' I said, upon leaving the grand hall.

Immediately, I left the palace, to search for Tristan. I didn't have to go far, as he was sitting on the edge of the fountain, in the flower garden. His expressions were bewildered. Remorse, gnawed within.

''Tristan!'' I called.

Yet, he ignored my calling...

''What are you doing here? We have to leave soon.''

''I know. I needed some air.''

''Tristan, is this about last night?''

''What do you think?''

''Look, I gave you my reasons. You must understand where I am coming from. Please, let's go from here.''

''I understand but, I need time to adjust...''

''Come inside. Eat something, before we leave.''

''Leave me alone, princess!''

There it was. The rage, that wanted to explode. The way he called me 'princess,' butchered my heart. I couldn't bear to see him like this. Mother was right. Why did this have to happen? Here. Now.

''Fine, I'll go...Sir! We leave in an hour.'' I growled, and headed back inside.

I couldn't focus. Not like this. Something had to be done but, what? I slammed my travel bag, as the fury erupted from inside. WHY!

''Ivana, are you ok!"' Nixie ran towards me.

''Yes. I'm fine.'' I tried to remain calm.

''You do realise, that I've known you your whole life, right? What's wrong?''

I couldn't lie to Nixie, not when it came to emotions. She could read me, like an open book. I guess that's what sisters were for. I took a deep exhale and told her the truth. Well, the truth that excluded the demon stuff.

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