15. Guilt.

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I stormed off the field and immediately, ran back to my tent.

''Ivana, training with Audrey was successful and guess what...'' Nixie began.

''Pack to your things, were leaving!'' I demanded, coldly.

''Are you alright?''

''I said pack your things! We're leaving. Tell the others!''

''Ivana, what's wrong?''

''Nixie, just do as your told! I want to be left alone!'' I instructed, whilst giving her an icy glare.


Great! Now I've made Nixie upset! Is anything in my life, ever good? I thought, frustratingly.

I collected my belongings and rushed to the barn. I sat on Princeton and noticed, the others were following behind.

''Ivana, I thought we were leaving at dawn.'' Audrey spoke.

''I changed my mind. Now, get on your horse and follow me.''

''Uh... Sure.''

My glance didn't reach Tristan's, as I was completely unbothered by his presence. Fury, rage and irritation. My insides were melting with anger, as my emotions whizzed back and forth. I galloped faster and faster, not realising how far behind the others were. I didn't care. Hiyah! I raced further ahead, until we were out of the towns borders.

''Slow down, Ivana!'' I heard Nixie yell but, I didn't care.

I allowed the wind to bang my face, and the sun, to scorch my body. I was ready to kill something or, someone. I couldn't bare the overwhelming emotions I had for Tristan, any longer. I needed to let it out. Let it all out. Until...

I saw a dark fog, creep around me. I couldn't see where the others were so, hesitantly, I jumped off my horse and stood alert. The fog became darker and mystifying, as I began to hear deep whispers and screeches. The demons were here...

''Show yourself!"' I demanded.

All I heard, were faded whispers. Suddenly, I heard several screams. It was Audrey and Tristan's scream. NO. TRISTAN! NOTHING CAN HAPPEN TO HIM. But, as much as I wanted to turn back, I had to face what was in front of me. A demon came forth. He wasn't like the others. He was indescribably, frightening. He had deep eyes, a deformed face and a scrawny body. Within an instance, I shot a fireball at him and he flunked backwards.

''Who are you! What business do you have with me and my friends!''

''Theeee demonnnn kinggggg wantssss youuuu.'' The demon, hissed.

''Why does he want me!" I yelled, trying to keep my eyes open, in the harsh winds.

''Heeeee wantssss toooo speakkk withhhh youuuu.'' It whispered.


It stopped whispering. So, I gathered another lightning bolt and fired it. The demon broke to ashes and soon, flew within the wind. The fog began to clear and the sky was now, blue. The darkness had disappeared and finally, I could see my friends in the distance. I ran towards them and noticed that... Tristan was wounded.

''NOOO! WHAT HAPPENED. TRISTAN, WAKE UP!'' I clashed to the ground.

''Ivana, I'm sorry. One of the demons struck him, with its blade.''

''You were supposed to protect him. Protect each other! How did this happen!'' I cried.

''He was trying to protect me, as I had no magic and... He got hurt.'' Audrey sobbed.


''Ivana, what should we do?'' Nixie asked, concerned.

Tristan was near to unconscious. His chest was bleeding, whilst his body began to turn pale, at each passing moment.

''Ivana...I...am...fine...'' Tristan stuttered, painfully.

''Shhh, don't speak! You're going to be ok!''

''If...this...is...my...last...time...'' He continued.


''Help him up on my horse, I'll ride with him. We need to get to the nearest forest, fast! Nixie, you reign Tristan's horse. Let's go!'' I demanded.

I had no time to think rationally. I needed to save Tristan. My powers would heal him, indefinitely but, we were running out of time. The demon blades were poisonous weapons and only those, born with magic, could resist their darkness. I was born with magic, hence, when the demon scraped me with the blade, it formed into a mark. But, Tristan was different. He wasn't born with magic so; the wound could kill him. I didn't know how long he had left. This is all my fault. If I hadn't ridden so fast, I could have been there. I could have protected him. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT! I howled, in utmost remorse.

''I SEE A FOREST!'' I shouted.

''HEARD!'' Nixie and Audrey, answered.

After further riding, we had turned into an old forest. It was 'Owl Wood' forest. Mother had taught me everything and luckily, the knowledge was useful. Instantly, I found a dry area of ground and, bounded off my horse. The others, helped carry Tristan to the ground, where I began to heal him.

''Leave me, please.'' I instructed.

''Yes, your highness.'' Audrey replied.

''Sure. We'll be around, if you need us.'' Nixie added.

As I observed Tristan's unconscious body, my heart crushed with guilt. His clothes were bloody, his face was lifeless and... I was the reason behind all of this. I wish I hadn't met him. I wish I didn't have this destiny. I wish I could have gone back in time!

I removed his shirt and saw the wound, made by the demon blade. It was a deep, black cut -which seeped of thick, crimson blood. I readied my magic and began, the healing process.

My energy was being drained out of me but, I continued on. I couldn't let anything happen to him - even if it meant risking my life. I yelled several incantations and struck him with all my power and alas, the bleeding had stopped and the poison had vanished. My face dripped with sweat, as my body ached in fatigue. He was ok.

I stroked his golden hair and watched him for several moments. He was beautiful. He was perfect. As I kissed his forehead, I whispered into his elf-like ears: You're going to be ok, I promise. I'm so sorry this happened, it's all my fault. Tristan, I keep pushing you away because... Because I love you. But, we live completely different lives... Please, you have to understand. There it was. The three forbidden words. I had uttered them. But, thankfully, he didn't hear me.

As I stood form the ground, I began to amble elsewhere. I breathed in the cool, natures breeze, and cleared my thoughts. What if he heard me say the three words? No, I doubt he heard me. He's unconscious. Why did I have to say them. I wandered, impatiently.



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