31. The Final Battle.

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[Prepare yourself for some great, detailed paragraphs.]

I leaped off Rublavo's back and immediately, charged at the demon army - which was nearing me. They floated closer and closer until, I retrieved my sword, and whipped it through their translucent bodies. Rublavo aided in breathing fire on the demons but, just as I was about to slash another, my sword slipped out of my hand. I was some-what, vulnerable. Instead, I used the magic within me, and shot lightning bolts at their shadowy faces. I watched them crumble to tiny electrical particles and soon, vanish into thin air.

Another dozen, came closer to fight. I thought I could do this alone but, I was wrong. Despite the powers I had and having Rublavo by my side, the demon army was too strong and... large. You can do it. Be strong, Ivana. Remember who you're fighting for! I dodged another demon, hovering beside me, and recovered my sword. All was not lost, yet.

''TAKE THAT!'' I shouted, piercing another's soul.

Just as I made a quick turn, I was hit with something sharp. It wasn't a bolt of flame that hit me, it felt like the sting of a blade. I tilted my head and noticed my left shoulder had been grazed. It was bleeding slightly but thankfully; my magic would heal it. Slowly, the blood dripped down my armour, as I made swift movements to attack. As another shadow enclosed me, I charged at it as fast as a thunderbolt, and within seconds, it had disappeared.

The demons kept coming. It was as if they were immortal and never-ending. I didn't know how long I could hold them off and kill them individually. Suddenly, I was surrounded by hundreds more. I didn't know who to kill first. Although my magic was strong, I feared that it may not have been enough...

''Trust your magic. Let it take control.'' Rublavo told me.

I closed my eyes, breathed and gathered my strength. He was right. This was my destiny. I had to do it, for the sake of the kingdoms. Just before I lifted my blade, an impossible thing had occurred. The demons had disappeared. Odd. But, then I saw them. They had returned to help me.

''Nixie! Tristan! What are you doing here?'' I yelled, exhaling in relief.

''You didn't think we'd listen to you, did you?'' Tristan chuckled.

''I'd prefer a welcome back hug.'' Nixie retorted.

''I am so glad to see you. I'm sorry I told you to leave.''

''No worries. We can talk about victories later, let's fight!'' Tristan yelled.

So, instead of fighting alone, I had the help of my two strongest warriors. We scattered ourselves across the ground and began an assassination spree. One by one, two by two, the demons had become extinct. Helios remained the furthest from the battlefield, as he watched his kingdom, fall. He deserved what collapsed upon him. He was, his kingdom's doom. And, soon, I would be his...


After hours of sweat, hunting and bloodshed... It was over. The dawn, that had been written long before time, had come to pass. The demons of Morpheus, had ceased to exit. However, the king of all evil, was still alive. The floors were covered in mere bones, ashes and dust. It was like a grand sandstorm, had visited these grounds.

Alas, the air had lightened, the clouds began to run and the sun had finally, started to shine. As the ice began to melt, the tall mountains, started to collapse. The kingdom of Morpheus, had been abolished. I motioned for the others to stay behind, as I walked closer to where Helios stood.

''NO! What have you done!'' He shrieked.

''I have not done anything. This is all your doing, and yours alone!''

THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now