33. You Deserve To Die.

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The night was soothing yet, rather, irritating. Whilst Tristan remained in a deep slumber, my body, lingered elsewhere. I couldn't shake the feelings that grew within me, as I continued to toss and turn. I've had enough! My insides roared. Momentarily, I slipped from Tristan's grasp, and walked to my balcony. The air was cool and breezy, as the stars hung bright above. The moon sat beside me, as if it were trying to speak to me.

I closed my eyes, prayed, and sought answers from my heart. Was Helios, really my father? Did my mother curse him? I felt my insides quiver, my heart beats increase, sweat trickling down my forehead and my hands, trembling with anticipation. I had a strong feeling of yearning, stem within me. I knew it. I knew he was my father. I had the same feeling, as to when he gave his last breath, in my hold. The connection, the love, the yearning... It was all there.

Then, I felt this sudden feeling of anger, loathe and despise. It was towards my mother. Why? Because, my heart had told me the truth. She had lied. She had cursed my father. She was the real demon. How could she? As harsh as it sounded, I was glad she was dying. She didn't deserve to live, after the evil she had done and the lies she had told.

Again, I asked my heart another question. Is James my real brother? I felt nothing for moments. I continued to close my eyes but, there was no feeling. Then, I had it. It wasn't a feeling, it was a memory. I recalled the moment I unlocked my locket and discovered the truth that lay in the scripture. He was my brother. I recalled his brotherly embrace, his oceanic blue eyes and the way he spoke to me, with utmost love and care. It hit me. My eyes began to water, as I longed to see my brother once again. I had the answer. James, was my brother and my mother... was a LIAR!

My soul felt at peace, as it, too, had received the closure it sought. Alas, the truth was in my clutch. Mother had deceived me. She was a traitor. A liar. As relieved as my body was, I needed to put an end to this. I had to avenge my father and bring James, back to his rightful home. I needed to get rid of mother, once and for all. But, as of now, I needed rest.


The night was haste, as dawn began to arise. The sun bleated through the large, royal curtains, as my eyes blinked open. The room sparkled with sunlight and for the first time, I didn't have to worry about anything well, not entirely.

''Good morning, princess.''

''Good morning.'' I smiled, shyly.

''Have you always been this beautiful?''

I blushed and twisted my body away from him.

''I didn't think the warrior princess, had a shy side.'' He added, wittily.

''Tristan, are you always this romantic?''

''Only to you, your highness.''

''Ok, enough with the words. Come, let's get ready for breakfast.''

''We shall finish this later.'' He smirked.

It was good to be back in my chambers and in my home. I bathed in the fresh waters and adorned myself in an exquisite gown. I had definitely missed my royal life. I wore a deep red, velvet gown - which had embroidery of golden thread, rubies and gems stitched on. I topped it off with my golden tiara and wore simple jewellery. Lastly, I finished my attire by, braiding my hair into a long, waterfall braid.

''Wow. You become more beautiful by the day.'' Tristan spoke, startling me with his presence.

''Thank you. You look charming, yourself.'' I smiled.

Tristan wore some of the royal clothes - which were specially tailored for him. He wore black trousers, a neat white blouse and the royal black jacket. He also wore a thick belt, to hold his sword and daggers and lastly, he left his hair in formal waves. He looked simply, handsome.

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