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"Ivana... Is that...Who I think it is?" Tristan whispered, whilst glowering at the man who appeared in the shadows.

"Mommy. Who's that?" Elena asked, a little frightened.

"No-one sweetie. Just stay behind me, ok girls."

The girls nodded in agreement and soon, held onto Tristans leg. Meanwhile, I dragged my body forward, to confront someone that seemed to be my father. As I crept closer, the face became more like my father's although, there was something different about him. He had the same black eyes, the same dark hair but... no runes. He was almost... completely human. I couldn't sense or, feel any evil in the atmosphere; only guilt, longing and despair. None of this made sense. But, as I neared the entrance, my heart was correct. It was him. My father.


''My daughter. My child. It is me, your father.'' He said, coming out of the darkness.

My mouth was paralysed, as words refused to leave my lips. Instead, my face was flushed with tears and my body was drowning in emotions. My father was standing right in front of me, alive and well. His eyes were filled with nothing but love, sadness and guilt. He had several burn marks on his face and without another moment to think... I leaped into his arms. We shared an affectionate embrace, as tears continued to gush down our awoken cheeks.

''Father... How?'' I questioned.

''It is a long story. Come, let us go inside.''

''Of course.''

As me and father headed to the council room, Tristan and the girls followed behind. We sat on the large sofa and still... I had trouble believing my sight.

''Good to see you Helios.'' Tristan commented.

''You too Tristan.''

''So, father. Tell me. How is this possible?''

''Ivana, my dear. When I died, the guardians of the after life had given me another chance to live. They said it wasn't my time to die, yet. So, they kept giving me trials and examinations in these years and if I completed a certain amount of tasks, they would give me my freedom.''

''What kind of trials?''

''I do not wish to say but, what matters is that I'm here. With my daughter.''

''Were they the result of your trials?'' I inquired, touching the burn marks on fathers face.

''I am afraid so. But, do not be disheartened. It was all worth it. I was given a chance to be a father again and I took it. Regardless of the consequences.''

''God knows how much pain you tolerated in these pasts years and...It was all to be reunited with me?''

''I did for you and I would do it again. In a heartbeat.'' He said, as tears rolled down his scarred face.

''Father...'' I cried, drowning into his arms, once more. I felt my body tremble with remorse and sadness. It was like I could feel his pain and also, feel the torture his soul had gone through.

''Sh, my child. I'm here now and I promise, I will not leave you. I promise to be the father you have always wanted.''

''I know. These are tears of delight. I cannot express how happy I am to see you, father.''

''As am I. Now, I don't want to see any more tears on that beautiful face, Ivana. Tell me, what have you been up to in these years?'' He inquired, as I withdrew from his hold and motioned for my girls and Tristan to come forward.

''Well, where do I begin. Father, you remember Tristan. We got married on the day of my coronation, once I had returned to Aereth. And these angels, are our daughters. The beats of our hearts and souls; Elena and Elara.''

''Congratulations, to the both of you. And Elena and Elara are truly, the most beautiful girls in the world.'' He said, whilst calling the girls towards him.

''Come on girls, don't be shy. This is grandpa.''

''He looks scary.''

''Elara, be a good girl. He's your grandpa.'' Tristan told her.

''Grandpa loves you both very much. He was gone for a long time but, now he is back to stay. Now, give him a big hug girls.'' I instructed them, lovingly.

''Ok, mommy.'' They replied in unison.

The girls ran into their grandpa's arms and gave him a big cuddle. After being slightly startled by his appearance, they were soon, already jumping on him and giving him a dozen hugs. I couldn't have been more happier. This moment was one, that I would surely cherish and keep close to my heart.

''My beautiful grand daughters.'' Father sobbed, whilst cradling my girls and giving them free rides into the air.

''Grandpa is amazing.'' Elena giggled, as she was being thrown into the air.

''Yeah!'' Elara added.

''I've never seen them this happy before.''

''I know.''

''I love these girls so much.''

''Save some love for your grand son.'' I chuckled.

''Grand son. No.... Really! I'm going to be a grandpa again? Congratulations!'' Father yelled, whilst out of breath from playing with the girls.

''Get ready for entertaining three children.'' Tristan added.

''I will love, care and entertain them, happily. Also, I forgot to ask about Nixie. How is she?''

''She is great. She is also wed and has a son, Edward.''

''Thats great news. I'm guessing she doesn't live in the palace?''

''No but, she visits me often. Perhaps you'll see her soon.''

''That would be nice.''

''So, who wants food!"' Tristan hollered.

''Meeeeeeeeeee!"' The girls squealed.

''After all this playing, I think I could use some food.''

As Tristan took the girls to the dining hall, myself and father followed behind.

''Father, I'm so happy your here. Truly.''

''As am I, Ivana. And, I'm sorry for your mother's loss. I didn't want to bring it up but...''

''Thank you and no, I understand.''

''I want to let bygones be bygones so, we can start afresh. A new life, as a family.''

''I would love that very much. You must meet Tristan's family too, they're all so sweet.''

''I dont doubt it. Tristan is a good man. You have my blessings with you, always. I wish you all success, happiness and prosperity in your lives.''

''Thank you, father.'' I smiled, whilst leaning my head against his shoulders.

We continued to walk to the dining hall and much to everyones delight, a feast had been prepared. It was as if the staff knew father was coming home. So, we called everyone in the palace to join the feast and celebrate with us.

''To family!" Tristan toasted.

''To family.'' Everyone chanted back.


❤ Aw, a happy ending ❤ This is officially the 💔 LAST CHAPTER 💔 and I hope you've all enjoyed reading this book. I appreciate all of your love/support and honestly, it's what makes me want to write more! Once again, THANK U and LOVE U 💞


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