21. Isle Of Onis.

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As the glistening sun rose from the east, 'that time' was upon us. The time to embark to the Lake of Valour and fulfil the next step to my destiny. We gathered our supplies and soon, beset on our horses, and journeyed out of the forest. I felt a tingle of apprehension, travel through me, as we galloped closer and closer to the Lake.

It was already midday thus, we decided to rest near an area of open grassland. The horses were fed and watered and we also quenched our thirsts.

''How far are we?'' Nixie called.

''We need to travel through the Isle of Onis, before we reach the lake. Perhaps a few hours left.'' I answered, gulping down large amounts of cool water.

''What's the Isle of Onis?'' Tristan asked.

''Mother says it's a sacred altar, hidden behind the Grand Waterfall. My ancestors created it but, I've never seen it.''

''Wow! Do you know what it's for?''

''Well, from what mother has told me, those who went to claim their phoenix powers from the Lake of Valour, would pray at the altar for the success of their missions. It's a sacred place, hidden from the eyes of man.''

''How come mother didn't tell me?''

''Sorry Nix. She didn't mean to. We're sworn to secrecy.''

''Oh, well, I can't wait to see it.''

''Me too. Let's continue on.''

We rode further into the peak of the afternoon and early evening until, there it was... The grand waterfall. Strong gushes of ocean blue water, sprinted deep below. The edges of the waterfall, were protected by the finest layers of white stone. This ensured the Isle of Onis, remained sealed from no man's eye. It was a mesmerising sight, saved for those worthy, honest and pure.

It was time to depart our horses, for now. As we swam through the shallow blue waters and rode through the depths of the waterfall doors, we were immensely drenched. Past these heavy doors, was the most enthralling vision. An altar of what looked like an ancient, angel-like queen- made from the finest layers of marble, diamond and stone. She was placed in the centre, sitting on an open hexagonal throne, which sparkled with the tastiest waters, no mouths had ever dreamed of seeping.

The throne was surrounded by surreal statues of indescribable creatures or, tiny beings. Most of the altar was covered in inscriptions of an ancient language perhaps, for words of wisdom, fortune and success.

''Its magnificent.'' Tristan worded, as his mouth elongated to the beautiful views.

''Oh my! No wander this is kept a secret!'' Nixie squealed.

''I know. It's incredible.'' I retorted.

''Do you know who she is?'' Tristan asked.

''Probably one of my ancestors.''

Steadily, we walked towards the altar, and cleansed our hands, with the sacred water - which seeped out of the queen's mouth. Elegantly, it fell and met with the water that built up within the hexagonal throne. We drank a few sips and henceforth, kneeled before it.

''So, shall I just pray?'' Nixie asked.

''Yes, both of you.'' I nodded.

We continued to pray in the placid environment, listening to the water drop and echo on its surroundings. Once we had prayed, we cleansed our faces with a few splashes of the sacred water and continued further into the isle. There were small holes within the stone walls, filled with ancient items, statues and other incomprehensible things.

''Look!' Nixie called.

''What is it?''

As me and Tristan ambled towards Nixie, we noticed a wall filled with inscriptions and drawings. They seemed to be stories or prophecies, written by my ancestors.

''What is it?'' Tristan asked.

''It seems like a prophecy.'' I replied, stroking the drawings on the crumbled walls.

''What do you think it is?''

''I don't know Nix.''

''Is that a demon?'' Tristan pointed out.

''It seems so.''

''No way. It can't be.''

''What is it?" Tristan questioned, whilst walking to where she was.

''Ivana, look! It's your name and a drawing of you near a... Phoenix? I think.''


I walked over to where Nixie stood and observed the odd drawing. What does this mean? Could this be my destiny? My purpose? She was right. That was a drawing of me and my name was above it. I was holding a rather faded sword and beside me, lay several dead bodies of black shadows.

''I don't believe this.''

''It's a prophecy. Written long before you were even born. This is your destiny Ivana.''

''Ivana, I think she's right. It makes perfect sense.''

I was awe-struck. I continued to caress the supposed drawings of my prophecy and then it hit me. I had this weird feeling rush through me, as if to tell me it was true.

''If this is my destiny, what does it mean?'' I spoke to myself.

''I know we can't read the ancient language but, if we follow the drawings, we might get a clue.''

''Good idea Tristan.'' Nixie added.

So, we followed the drawings around the altar and alas, I had found the meaning of the prophecy. It was exactly as mother was saying. It was my destiny. Drawings of me in the Lake of Valour, drawings of me killing demons, drawings of me in battle and drawings of me becoming... Queen. It was all there. Every detail of what was yet to be. It was too much to take in at once. I felt a burden sitting on my shoulders, pressurising me to succeed.

''Ivana, are you ok. I know this must be a lot to take in.''

''Tristan, you don't understand. I have three kingdoms counting on me. I have to make my mother proud. I have to battle and kill my own father, in order to restore peace in all the realms. I have to become queen someday, ruling all the kingdoms. I...'' I couldn't speak further. My mind pounded in affliction, as my vision slightly, blurred.

''Shh, don't say anything. You need to stay strong. I'm with you, all the way.''

''Me too. We're in this together, no matter what.''

''Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without both of you.'' I smiled.

We took rest at the Isle, before continuing to the lake of Valour. The prophecy had just begun...


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