32. Back To Aereth.

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''Ivana, I'm sorry for your father...'' Nixie whispered, whilst holding onto my fallen body.

''It's not your fault. This was my doing.''

''No, it wasn't. Don't blame yourself, you didn't know.'' Tristan said.

''What's done is done. Alas, the prophecy has come to pass. We should head home.''

''As you wish, princess.''



This was the end of evil. A new dawn was upon us; one in which there would be peace, prosperity and fairness. The kingdoms were safe, magic remained untouched and I, had fulfilled my destiny. This was a new chapter, for everyone. Despite my heart being broken, I needed to remain head strong for my people, for I was to become, their future Queen...

Tiredness possessed our bodies until, it became unbearable. Our bodies began to shatter in ache, as our horses cried in woe. We needed rest but, it didn't bother me. I galloped wilder and harsher, to the extent that the surroundings had blurred my vision. Tears poured down my guiltless face, as I reminisced on my father's words. This is not the time to be thinking about this. Stay strong for your people. Do not fall weak, Ivana! I told myself.

''Ivana, we should take rest! I don't know how much longer I can go on!'' Tristan yelled.

''No! We must reach Aereth as soon as possible. There will be no resting!'' I commanded.

''But, Ivana. The horses are tired, as are we. Please, let's take rest.'' Nixie added.

''No! The horses and you, can rest as much as you want, once we are home. Hiyah!''

Emotionless. Empty. I was consumed with emotions of agony, torment and hurt. I could feel my heart dashing, as I rode firmer. Nightfall had arrived and finally, we had reached the borders to Aereth. I could see glimpses of my kingdom, a kingdom I yearned to return to. This was my home. The kingdom of Aereth. 

''We're here!'' I called.

''Finally! I thought I was going to die!'' Nixie said, as hunger lingered around her words.

''Oh, thank heavens! I've never been so happy!'' Tristan laughed, exasperatingly.

''Come on, let's go.''

As we trotted further to the kingdom, we had arrived at the portal. The portal was a vast, golden dome, in which we could travel in. The guards had taken care of our horses, as we entered through the large doors of the portal and floated up into the sky. Aereth was a beautiful kingdom, as it sat above the high ground. It was surrounded by beautiful river streams, the tallest of trees, eternal waterfalls and magical creatures. The people were loyal, kind and warming too.

''Ivana, I have never seen anything so magnificent. It is an honour to be in your home.'' Tristan gasped, breathing in the sweet air and fresh scent of flowers.

''Home sweet home!'' Nixie squealed.

''Thank you, Tristan.''

As we continued to portal up to the palace, I showed Tristan the mesmerising views. He was awe-struck, as he glowered at the kingdom's beauty.

''Wow. I'm speechless.'' Was all that he could word.

''As to be expected.'' I chuckled.

''Ivana, mother.'' Nixie reminded me.

''Oh, yes. We'll go and see her.''

Once we had reached the palace doors, I noticed a large crowd of people, come to greet me. It seemed as if the entire kingdom had come to welcome me back. The feelings of love and joy, spun through the atmosphere, as I met everyone with a large smile and wave.

THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now