14. Not Right.

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What's happening to me? Is this all part of the power gaining plan or...? I can't keep lying to myself. Lying to Tristan. Nixie's plan of ignoring him, didn't work so, I need to think of something else... and fast!

In times like these, I wish I was back home. Back with my mother. No destiny, no love and no fear. It would have been easy. My brain ached from the thoughts - which whizzed throughout my mind. In no time, I fell into a deep slumber.

As dawn was near, I awoke with a pounding headache. It must have been the hangover. They say, the first ones are always the worst. Ouch! Oh god! My vision was slightly blurred and my body ached from everywhere. Wait, what happened last night? Great! I've forgotten everything. I didn't want to get up so, I continued to sleep some more. Hopefully, no one would notice my absence - I'm only the princess, right?

''Ivana!'' Someone yelled.


''Ivana!'' The voice repeated.

''What is it!'' I moaned, in a sluggish manner.

''You need to get up. You have a destiny to fulfil, remember.''

It was Nixie's voice.

''Nixie? What are you doing here?''

''Waking you up! Its nearly midday. Get up!''

''That's not how you talk to a princess.'' I answered, slightly drunk.

''Why does it reek of ale? Do not tell me your drunk, Ivana. Tell me you didn't.''

I remained silent - as if to seal my remorse and shame.

''Ivana! How did this happen!''

''I don't know. I have a lot on my mind.''

''You could have talked to me. I'm always here for you.''

''I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.''

''It's ok but, promise me you won't do it again. What if something happened to you?'' Nixie persisted, worriedly.

''Nixie, I'm fine. I promise I won't do it again. And, have you seen Tristan?''

''Good. And, I think Tristan and Audrey have gone for a ride.''


''Anyway, time for the princess to get up! Come on, let's get you fresh.''

''Can I sleep, just a little longer. Please Nixie.''

''No, you're getting up right now!''

''I'm the princess. I demand you to let me sleep!''

''And I'm your sister and your mother sent me to look after you. So, get up Ivana!''

''Fineeee.'' I sighed.

As I bathed in the cool water, I could feel my hangover drifting away. It was painful but, I was feeling a lot better. How could I have been such a fool? I can't believe I got drunk. I wore my usual armour clothes and let my hair, hang loose. Just as I collected my belongings, I noticed someone at my entrance.

''Ivana, how are you feeling?'' Tristan asked.

''Much better. Thank you.''

''About last night, your secrets safe with me.''

What secret? What was he talking about? Did we...NO!

''What secret?''

''Don't you remember. The guy that was about to... to you...''

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