20. What Shall Be, Shall Be.

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I could hear the tiny movements of the night creatures, rustling through the forest. Nixie and Tristan had eventually fallen asleep onto the ground but, I remained seated on the log, near the south side of the campfire. Suddenly, I heard another type of rustling. It sounded as if there were people wandering through the woods but, who could it have been or, what?

I lurched from the log and immediately, readied myself for combat. Whoever or, whatever it was, I was ready for them. Until... I saw several pairs of red eyes, lingering through the trees and bushes. They were demons...

''WAKE UP!'' I shrieked.

''What happened!"' Tristan replied, jerking from his sleep.

''What is it!'' Nixie jumped.


As the small demon army crept closer, our campfire became extinguished due to the sudden whirling of the demons. Tristan and Nixie stood behind me, as we prepared for another attack. I couldn't help but, wander. Where is father? Did he really send these demons to attack me? His only daughter? I was hurt upon my beliefs but, I knew it wasn't the time to feel sorry for myself. Despite where the demons had come from, I had to remain strong and confident.

The tall trees had collapsed to the ground, the wind grew stronger and most of the forest, had been set on flames. The foggy smoke blinded us from seeing the demons. Most of them had fled but, those that remained, were surely killed. I whipped out my sword and slashed it through the transparent bodies of the evil creatures. I conjured the largest and wildest of fireballs - to slash at the demons and to also release my fury.

''Who sent you!'' I howled to the last, remaining demon.

''Youuuu should know.'' It whispered but, it almost sounded like a mock.

''TELL ME OR ELSE.'' I screamed, as my throat became dry on the high-pitched shrieks.

''Helios.'' It smirked, sending tremors through my body.

No, I don't believe this. This can't be true. He could never, could he?

''Who now?!'' Nixie bellowed startled.

''Hahaha.'' The demon laughed.

Momentarily, the whirlwind of demonic energy, had vanished into the abyss. I had received the lone answer, I didn't want to hear. I remained in denial yet, deep down, I knew it to be true. My insides clogged with fury, to the extent that I wanted to lash out. I became dangerous in that moment. A side I'd never dreamt of seeing...

''Ivana, are you alright?'' Tristan asked, placing his palms of my shoulders.

''DO I LOOK LIKE I'M FINE!'' I barked at him, although I regretted the words that spilt out of my mouth. It wasn't me speaking, it was... I couldn't explain it.

''Sorry.'' His face dropped.

''Ivana...'' Nixie began.

Before I could hurt my friends further, I thundered off into the other ends of the forest. I needed fresh air and I certainly, needed to clear my mind. Well, at least one thing good came out of this. I've made my decision. Without hesitation, I WILL kill my father and his army of bafoons. I WILL fulfil my destiny - AT ANY COSTS! My mind roared outrageously.

After I had somewhat calmed down, I used my magic to cure the forest of the disease and pain that I had put it in. I awoke the fallen trees, and put them back in their rightful place. I rid any areas of fire and regrew the blossoming flowers - which were scattered onto the shrubs and trees. Nature had always made me feel serene. Luckily, it was just what I needed right now. Relief. I sighed, releasing any negative energy left within me.

''Ivana, talk to me. What's wrong?'' A voice spoke softly.

''Tristan, I thought I told you to leave me alone.'' I exhaled, painfully.

''That doesn't mean I'll listen. You've been distant lately and I can't stand by and watch you suffer like this.''

''I... I...'' I stuttered, as the words refused to escape my lips.

''Sh, its ok. Come here.''

As he ambled towards me, he took hold of my quivering body and gently, stroked my hair affectionately. I let out a few tears and cries, as the burden of destiny crawled closer.

''Tristan. I don't know what to do.'' I sobbed.

''Ivana, just follow your instincts. I can't imagine how tough this has been for you but, if there's one thing that I'm certain of, it's you and you alone can do this.'' He said, kissing my forehead to quieten my cries.

''Thank you and I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. I love you.''

''I love you too and don't be. I understand.''

He attached his tender palms onto my face and brought his lips closer. His warm, loving lips caressed against mine, as we shared a moment of intimacy and love. I grasped his golden hair as our kiss deepened. And alas, we had retreated. I glowered into his moonlit eyes, as my emotions grew stronger. It was a weird feeling I was having. One I could not explain but, nevertheless, I was content in that moment.

''Thank you.'' I whispered.

''Anytime.'' He smiled, taking hold of my hand and motioning me back to where our sleeping place was.

''Oh, thank god. I was so worried.'' Nixie hollered, running to give me a forceful hug.

''I'm sorry. I just...''

''No, don't explain. What matters is that you're alright.''

''Come.'' I motioned for us to sit at the restarted fire.

Dawn was shortly approaching - which meant we were to continue on our journey soon. We toasted some large pink and white marshmallows, on the fresh flames of the sparkling fire, and scoffed down the goods.

''So, care to tell us who this Helios guy is?'' Nixie asked, with a desperate, cheeky smirk I couldn't help refusing to.

''If I must. He... He's my father...'' I breathed, with a moment of respite.

''WHAT? I accepted the fact that he's a demon but, sending an army of demons to kill his own daughter, sounds despicable.''

''I know Nix - which is why I've had a lot on my mind recently. I'm going to have to go to war with him at some point and this... This changes everything. I thought that there was a spark of goodness in him but, I guess I was wrong. Maybe, demons can never change.''

''I don't know what to say.'' Tristan added, shocked.

''Don't say anything. I've made my decision.''

''Ivana, I'm so sorry. If I had known...''

''Nix, there was nothing you could or could have done.''

''Your right, Ivana. I respect your decision and I am ready to fight by your side.''

''Thank you, Tristan.''

''So, what now?'' Nixie asked.

''What shall be, shall be.''



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