36. With All My Heart.

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''What an exhausting yet, incredible day.'' I exhaled, slipping on my silk night robe.

''I know but, you did an amazing job.'' Tristan said, as he unbuttoned his shirt.

''Thank you. So, I guess this is our first night, as husband and wife.''

''It is indeed. Ivana, I can't express the joy you have given me. I promise to be the best husband, you could ever hope for.''

''Likewise. Tristan, you are already amazing and I love you with all my heart.''

''I love you too. My beautiful wife.'' He replied, coming closer to embrace me.

''You know, I remember the first time we met. When you kissed my hand, I felt this weird feeling rush through me. Thats when I knew, I was falling for you. Who knew, that it would lead us to this day...''

''I know. The first time I saw you, I had never seen someone so beautiful. I instantly fell for you but, a part of me, knew you couldn't be mine. Yet, here we are.''

''Sometimes, I wander. What if I didn't have this destiny and I didn't meet you. God, I could never imagine my life without you now. I feel like it was fate, meeting you.'' I said, gazing into his mesmeric eyes.

''Luckily, fate was good to us. We found each other. I love you, Ivana.''

''I love you too, Tristan.''

Still, in each others arms, we continued to reminisce on our moments together. I couldn't help but love him more, as if our love had been reborn. I withdrew from his hold, and gazed into his affectionate eyes. Our hearts began speaking to each other, as they entwined as one. Sparks flew around us, as Tristan, too, grasped onto my fragile body.

''What did I ever do, to deserve a beautiful and an amazing woman like you?'' He whispered.

''Tristan, your going to make me cry.''

''I speak the sole truth.''

''I love you with all my heart. I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much but, I do. You make me feel loved every second of each day.'' I replied, with slight tears in my eyes.''

''Shh, dont speak.'' He answered, caressing my tearful lips.


''I want to kiss you.'' He spoke desperately.

''Why don't you?''

''My love for you is too deep, I fear I may lose control.''

''Is that so?'' I eyed him.

Momentarily, he brought his face close, and pressed them against mine. His lips were against my cheek, brushing it lightly-and still that light touch sent quivers through my nerves, quivers that made my entire body wobble. I Moaned, as he grazed my lips with razor sharp pecks, and pressed harder until... I was lifted and placed onto my bed - picked up ever so lightly, like an angel with a broken wing.

He brushed his mouth against the hollows of my temple and traced the line of my cheekbone. He hovered over my small body, making me invisible. I clutched onto his hair, pulling tighter, as our lips collided in desire. Intimacy. Passion. This was a kiss like no other. It was like a large flame, burning endlessly, and too strong to withstand.

I twisted my body and soon, lay above my lover. I pulled his face close, as he kissed me, fervently. I stroked his bare chest, while continuing to outline his body in kisses. He groaned softly, deep into his throat, as I pushed harder. His arms were circling around my body, scooping me within him, tangled together, as we kissed fiercer. Until, we had lost our breaths. Our hearts thudded in exhaustion, as our lips swelled in pain. Our bodies had become loose and it was time, to retreat. We hid under the sheets, laying in each others arms. Exasperated. Fatigued. Hurt.

There was no energy, left for words. Only panting, breathing and moaning. The night was tired, long and painful. It was time to recover and fall back into a much-required slumber. So, as the moon soared high above, our eyes had closed and our bodies, had shut down.


The morning was fruitful, as my eyes awoke to a beautiful sight. I remained fastened in his tender hold, as I gave a slight yawn. I smiled, upon recalling last nights events, before getting up from my bed. My body was tired yet, I had to maintain my strength, in order to fulfil my duties.

''Good morning, my queen.'' I heard a voice whisper.

''Good morning, my king.'' I turned my back and noticed Tristan was awake.

''How are you feeling?''

''Tired, hurt and a little...broken. You?'' I chuckled, yawning once more.

''Same but, it was worth it.''

''Ok, enough romance. Time to get up, I have an announcement to make.'' I smirked, dragging his body out of bed.

''Ok ok. I can't refuse the queens orders now, can I?''

I decided to wear my raven silk gown - which came with a sheer overlay that was embroidered with rubies. I remember mother buying me this gown, as a gift for my 18th birthday. It was one of my favourites and it only seemed fit, to wear it on such a day. After all, I had to make an important announcement. I let my hair, hang loosely, as I paired my outfit with black heels and minimal jewellery. On the other hand, Tristan wore his usual royal attire - which consisted of trousers, blouse and the royal coat. He kept his hair free and filled his pockets with any essential blades.

''You look stunning.'' He complimented me.


''Shall we head for breakfast? I'm famished.''

''Yes, come.''

Breakfast was a little earlier than usual today. I insisted on James and Vera staying at the palace a little longer, as they, too, joined us for the feast. Nixie and Griffin had also arrived and soon, we all began to fill our plates.

''Frederick, can you gather everyone at the throne room, for noon? I require everyones presence for an announcement I have to make.'' I asked one of the council men.

''Of course, your majesty. It will be arranged.''

''Thank you.'' I nodded at him, in approval.

Once breakfast had ended, I was stopped by James, in the hallway. He looked disturbed...

''Ivana!'' He called.

''James, what is is?''

''Theres something thats been troubling me.''

''What is it please, tell me whats wrong. Is everything alright?''

''I was wandering if your going to tell everyone about us. That i'm... your brother.'' He exhaled.

''Oh, James. Do you want me to?''

''I'm not sure.''

''Well, you shall find out later. I'll see you at noon, in the throne room.''

''Ok.'' He sighed.

Don't worry, James. I promise I'll make everything better for you. Just wait a few more hours... I thought, whilst heading back to my chambers.



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