4. Kingdom Of Shanara.

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''We're here!'' Nixie shouted.

As we trotted further ahead, we were greeted by the guards, of the gate to the border.

''Your highness.'' They bowed.

The guards gave us entry, as we rode further into the kingdom. The people were pleased, content and happy. It sent a wave of relief through me however, the evil that was yet to come, would soon ruin this happiness.

''Where's the palace?'' Nixie inquired.

''We're not too far. We can rest when we get there, ok?''

''OK, great! Last one's the loser.''

Seriously, this girl and her horse competition. We dashed rapidly until finally, we had reached, General Shay Knight's, palace. Well, technically, it was mother's palace. She was the queen of all three kingdoms - Aereth was the largest of them. So, she appointed her closest companions, to be the generals of the other two kingdoms.

As we walked through the palace doors, our horses were taken to be attended to. I was greeted by Shay and subsequently, escorted inside.

''Your highness, it is so wonderful to see you, after such a long time.'' Shay greeted me, with a wholesome embrace.

''Miss Nixie. It is so good to see you too.''

''Thank you, General.'' Nixie replied.

''Please, call me Ivana. We are all like family.''

The last time I saw General Shay was, when I was around 4. It had certainly, been a long time. He had definitely aged. He was an average heighted and weighted man, with a short grey beard and a near to bald head. He had pale skin - with slight freckles, and sea-green eyes. But, above all, he was a kind and warm-hearted man. He was like an older brother, to my mother and a father figure to me. My father died, during the war. I never got a chance to see him but, from what mother told me, he was a good man.

''Ivana, the last time you came here, was with your mother. You were so small and I remember, you would always hide behind your mother's gown. Today, you come as a grown woman - strong, confident and courageous, just like your mother. It is so good to see you, dear.'' Shay began.

''Thank you for your kind words. I can barely remember the last visit. But, it is certainly great to be back, Shay.''

''Ivana, I want you to meet my wife, Lilith. Lilith, this is Princess Ivana - Queen Athena's daughter.''

''It is so nice to meet you, princess. You are definitely as beautiful as your mother.'' Lilith curtsied before me.

''Please, Call me Ivana. And, thank you.'' I smiled and greeted her with a warm hug.

Nixie, too, greeted Lilith with a welcoming embrace.

''Ah, there he is! He always disappears when you need him the most.'' Shay muttered.

''Who?'' I asked.

''Ivana, meet my son, Tristan. Tristan, this is princess Ivana Everly. Queen Athena's daughter.''

''Nice to meet you, princess Ivana.'' He took hold of my hand, and gently, kissed it.

Tristan? That's such a nice name. I thought. My body quivered, as his lips touched my skin. I couldn't explain the sensations, that were building within me. Tristan was a fine-looking guy. He had musky blonde hair, green grape eyes and perfectly rose-coloured lips. His body was muscular and oddly, attractive. Snap out of it, Ivana! I hollered, at myself. I hope no one saw me staring.

''Tristan, I'd like you to meet Ivana's accomplice - her best friend, who is also like her sister, Miss Nixie.''

''Nice to meet you, Nixie.''

THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now