17. Helios.

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Ouch! My leg was throbbing, as I noticed my mark glow. What now! The mark on my leg, continued to burn, as I was suddenly, forced to get up. What on the heavens is going on? My leg was dragging me forward, deep into the forest. It was as if I was possessed.

As I continued to jolt further, the possession had finally, stopped. I could move on my own but, then... I looked up. I looked at the man in front of me; who had deep black eyes and runes all over his body. He wore thick armour and his pockets, were filled with blades of all kinds. He held a tall sceptor, which had a golden snake, wrapped around the centre of the pole. He was almost, demonic looking.

''Who are you!'' I asked, fiercely.

''I am Helios.'' His voice, deepened.

''Wait, I've heard of you. You're the demon king of Morpheus! What are you doing here!" I yelled, as I gathered a lightning bolt to fling at him.

''Lower your powers, and I'll tell you. I mean you no harm.''

''No, tell me what you want!''

''Ivana, listen to me. Put down your powers.'' He spoke, with a hint of softness, behind his words.

''How do you know my name!'' I howled.

''Hasn't your mother told you?''

''Don't bring my mother into this, or I'll kill you. ANSWER ME!''

''I am your father.''

Father? No, this is a lie! My father died in battle.

''That's a lie! You're not my father and even if you were, I wouldn't want to know you. Your evil. You're a demon!'' I snarled.

''Now, child. This is not a lie. I wanted to find you so, I could tell you the truth.''

''No! My father died in battle! You're not my father!''

''Is that what your mother has been telling you? Ivana, listen to me.'' His voiced seemed desperate - in a way, hurt.

''Get away from me!''

''Fine, just listen. Your mother and I, were involved in an immature, forbidden love. When she found out that she was pregnant, she left me. I only found out about you, several years ago. My demon marked you so, I could find you. To tell you the truth.''

''I don't believe you! Next time your evil shadows come near me and my friends, I swear to god, I'll kill you.''

''Your just as stubborn as your mother!''

''Helios, just leave! I'm going to kill you either way but, if you want me to kill you now, just say the words.''

''You can't kill me!'' He mocked.

''Do you want a demonstration?''

''You have made your decision then?''

''I have! Now, get rid of this mark and make sure, none of your ugly minions, come near me and my friends - EVER AGAIN!''

''By friends, do you mean... Tristan?''

''If you harm him, I will be your worst nightmare! GET AWAY!'' I screeched.

''I see you have my anger and ferocity.''

''I am nothing like you!''

''I am telling you the truth and deep down, you know it too.''

''Stop! Why won't you leave me alone!''

''Your hurt, I can see it. I'm not a monster, Ivana. Well, I wasn't at first.''

''Your destroying magic, in all the realms, how is that not evil?''

''That is my revenge, for my people. Magic is what destroyed us in the great battle so, I am merely destroying what destroyed me.''


''Oh, but you will...Child.''

''Your so-called people, are demons. They are not even human. I don't understand why you don't look like them.''

''I am in my good form. You do not want to see me at my worst. Now, stay a good girl and don't ruin my plans.''

''Oh, you haven't seen me at my worst either. NOW, GO. LEAVE ME. DON'T EVER SHOW ME YOUR FACE OR, I'LL KILL YOU.''

''Not if I kill you first...''

Within an instance, he vanished. Into thin air. I remained breathless, as I tried to digest his words. Thankfully, the irritating mark on my leg, had disappeared. But, the truth, continued to sting my within. What did he just say? He can't be my father! What if he is? I must defeat him in battle. Kill my own father. No, I am not a demon.

I began to crumple my head, as I fell to the dry ground. Wordless. Speechless. Breathless. I was breaking down. My life was falling apart and, this was a crucial stage for my destiny. I must succeed to claim my phoenix powers. I must go to the lake of Valour. But, I couldn't handle this truth. In fact, ALL OF IT! I continued to cry, wallow and weep. It was of no use. My emotions were too heavy to control...

Oh no! what if someone heard us. What if someone is looking for me? I better head back to the rest. So, I gathered my emotions, and strolled back to the campfire. Luckily, everyone was sleeping. As I wiped away my tears, I crawled to the ground and soon... fell into a deep, painful rest.



THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now