25. The key.

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I must have fallen into a deep sleep, because no matter how hard Tristan tried to wake me up, I refused to itch any movement. On the hundredth nudge, I had finally opened my eyes. I let out a slight groan, as I motioned my body to wake up.

''Someone was knackered.'' Tristan tittered.

I was too tired to answer instead, I let out a large yawn and hopped out of bed. I readied myself for the day and luckily for me, we were going to leave this evening. I had a near to full day with no worries about anything evil or, even about my destiny. I felt a tingle of liberation and joy, dash through me.

''Good morning.'' I greeted Tristan with an awoken smile.

''That's more like it.'' He groaned.

''Where's Nixie?''

''She's gone down for breakfast. We should probably go too.''

''Oh. Ok, let's go.'' I replied.

Once we gathered at the table downstairs, I greeted Nixie, Vera and James with a morning embrace.

''Sorry if I delayed anything. I couldn't wake up.'' I apologised, remorsefully.

''It's ok. We haven't started eating yet.'' James answered.

''I hope you all slept well.'' Vera asked, whist placing our bread and butter in our plates.

''Please, let me.'' Tristan offered his hand.

''In fact, I slept better than I've done in a while. Once again, thank you for your tremendous hospitality.'' I said.

''Your welcome dear.''

Thank you.'' Nixie and Tristan added.

Once breakfast was over, James gave me a quick tour of the village but, Nixie and Tristan had gone off to do their own exploring. The people here were simple, humble and kind. I wish I had visited here before so, I could have helped them in their struggles. I met several children, who were very playful and talkative. They told me stories of their adventures and it simply, melted my heart.

''The people here, are so kind.'' I told James.

''I know. They're all like family.''

''Aw. So, where are you going to take me next?''

''Do you like cheese?''

''Yes but, what an odd question.'' I sniggered.

''Great. Come with me!'' He answered, whilst grabbing my arm and leading me to a shack across the street.

''Ivana, you have to try this cheese. It's the finest cheese you'll ever eat.''

I stood before a large, wooden shack - which was decorated with hundreds of types of cheeses. I observed the old man cutting the large blocks of cheeses, into smaller pieces. He seemed to be in his sixties, as he was quite wrinkled and had a long grey beard. He almost looked like a wizard.

''Good day Albert!'' James greeted the old man with a man hug.

''Ah, James. Good to see you son! To what do I owe this pleasure?''

''I was wandering if I could get a few cheese tasters.''

''Is it for the fine lady you come with?'' He winked.

''No, it's not like that. She's just a friend. Albert, this is princess Ivana Everly.''

''Ahhh, a princess. It is an honour to meet you, my dear. Tell me, which cheese would you like to have?''

THE BATTLE OF AERETH (4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now