10. Kingdom Of Alynthi.

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The morning was crisp and airy. Everyone awoke, at the crack of dawn and hopefully, we would reach Alynthi, by tonight.

We beseated our horses and instantly, rode into the sunrise. The air was fresh and graceful, as we sustained to gallop into the corn fields and through the icy mountains.

Alas, we had arrived at the kingdom of Alynthi.

''We're here!'' I called.

''Finally!'' Everyone yelled.

''Let's go inside.''

The winds were cool and soothing, whilst the surroundings were flowing with everlasting waters. As we entered through the grand gate, my presence was recognised. One of guards, had gone to tell General Cayden, of my arrival. I remembered General Cayden quite well, as I had recently visited here - with Nixie too. His wife, Arabella, was a sweet and kind-hearted lady.

We continued to ride further until, we had reached the palace doors. Soon, we were allowed passage and immediately, were greeted by the general, and his wife.

''Princess Ivana, Nixie, we welcome you with open arms!'' General Cayden called.

Cayden, was a middle-aged man - who had a neat brown beard and dark coco eyes. He had thick brown hair and was average in height. Like general Shay, he was also like a father figure to me.

''Hello, Cayden. Thank you for the warm welcome.'' I replied.

''General Cayden, it's so good to see you!"' Nixie added.

''Hello, dear. We have missed you both very much.'' Arabella embraced us, wholesomely.

''Come, let us go inside.''

Once we had entered the hall, we all sat around the large table. The table was used for negotiations so, it only seemed fit, we sat there.

''Cayden, Arabella, meet Tristan and Audrey.''

''Ah, you must be Shay's son. It is a pleasure, to meet you both.'' Cayden answered.

''Yes, I am his son. The pleasure is ours, general.''

''Nice to meet you.'' Audrey spoke.

''How is queen Athena?'' The general and his wife, inquired.

''She is well.''

''So, what brings you here, Ivana?'' Arabella queried.

''Well, it is in fact, a matter of urgency. I am here to warn you.''

''Warn us? About what?''

''The demons of Morpheus are seeking revenge. They have grown stronger, over the centuries, and they plan to destroy magic in our kingdoms.''

''Oh lord! That is terrible news.'' Arabella gasped.

''Indeed. My mother has sent me to defeat these demons. It is my destiny to win the final battle, she says. I am merely here, to warn you. Keep your people safe.''

''Good heavens! How is this possible? The four realms were at peace.''

''Unfortunately, the peace has broken.''

''Is there anything we can do?'' Cayden insisted.

''No, except, you must keep your people safe. We were attacked by demons, only a few days ago. They are close.''

''We will do all we can, to ensure the safety of our people. Are you all ok?''

''Yes, thankfully, we survived. But, who knows when they will return.''

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