24. James.

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After meeting back up with our loyal horses, we soared throughout the day, and trotted further ahead. The kingdom of Morpheus, was a few days away but, we could already sense the evil and darkness, emancipating within the atmosphere. We decided to take shelter in a nearby village, although I had never been here before.

''Let's rest here!'' I called.

''Ok.'' The pair agreed.

The village was calm, welcoming and peaceful. It was filled with normal people, living about their day to day lives. If felt as if no evil, had ever encountered this village. Odd. Why do I get a strange yet, good feeling here? We continued to gallop into the village, before we leaped off our horses, and began to walk on foot.

''My Lady!'' A man hollered, whilst bowing to greet me.

''Hello. My friends and I are heading somewhere, may we take shelter here for the night?'' I asked him.

''Of course. Please, follow me.''

We followed the young man, to his small yet, cosy home. It wasn't something grand but, it was perfect regardless. The man was kind, gentle and pure at heart. He had deep blonde hair and glistening sapphire eyes. He had a somewhat muscly body and was also of good height. Aside from his mucky clothes, I wouldn't have thought him to be a common villager. Anyhow, once we had entered his home, we were given a room to share. It was a rather large room so, it'd suffice.

''My lady, I hope you can accept our offer to stay here.''

''Of course, thank you. Please, call me Ivana.''

''Your welcome. And, I am James.''

''Nice to meet you James.'' We all greeted him with a slight hug and arm shake.

''I'll leave you to unpack. I shall see you at supper.''

''The guy seems so nice.'' Nixie said.

''I know. He has such a kind heart.'' I replied, gratefully.

''Despite having only 2 rooms in the house, he let us stay in the larger one. How kind.'' Tristan added.

Once we had unpacked, we headed back down for some supper. James was with another middle-aged lady, who was perhaps his mother.

''Ah, Ivana. Glad you came on time.'' He motioned me, and the other two to the wooden table.

The lady was a little slim and had long, brunette hair. She had hazel eyes and an unforgettable smile. She poured us some soup and thereupon, sat beside James.

''So, James. Is this your mother?'' I enquired.

''No, dear. I am his guardian, Vera.'' The lady answered.

''No, I am afraid not. But, she is like my mother anyway.''

''It's so nice to hear you address Vera as mother. You must share a great bond with one another.'' Tristan interrupted.

''We do.'' Vera smiled, grasping her sons' hand.

''I'm so sorry. Are your parents um...'' I continued.

''Dead? I don't know... I never knew them. I was abandoned at birth and luckily, mother found me and raised me as her own.''

''I'm so sorry.'' We all exhaled, hurt.

''I can't imagine what you went through.'' Nixie added.

''It's ok. I've led a good life regardless. Anyway, what were your names again?''

''I'm Nixie Rivers. This is Princess Ivana Everly and Tristan Knight.''

''A royal in our home. What an honour.'' Vera chuckled, displaying her shiny teeth.

''I'm just as regular as anyone else. Believe me.'' I laughed.

''It's an honour meeting you, your highness.''

''You better start calling me Ivana or, else.'' I sniggered, sarcastically.

''Aha, sorry Ivana.''

''So, James. If you don't me asking, how or why were you abandoned?''

''From what mother told me, as soon as I was born, I was put in a canvas basket and placed on the streets of this village. I was left for a couple of hours until, she found me. Since mother had no children, she raised me as her own son. I've never met my real parents till date nor have I any information on them.''

''Did your parents not leave you any small token?'' Nixie asked, curiously.

''No, nothing big. In fact, it was a just a small key thing.''


''If I were you, I'd never want to find or, know them. I cannot forgive such a heartless act. Which parent would do this to their child. It's absolutely absurd.'' I spoke, angrily.

''It's ok, Ivana. At least I've got a family now.''

''I was just concerned. I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn.''

''Don't be silly dear. You are one of our own.'' Vera smiled.

As we continued to finish our supper, we all chattered on. However, my mind soared elsewhere. The same bizarre feeling had returned only, it was stronger. A feeling between remorse, love, longing and guilt. I couldn't decipher what it meant but, it was gnawing my insides. I had to find the reason behind the twisting of my gut.

Once I reverted back to reality, everyone had already finished eating and had gotten up from the table. Oh no!

''Are you alright, Ivana?'' James asked.

''Um yes, sorry. I usually drift off when I'm thinking.'' I lied.

''Must be thinking about something important then?''

''You could say that...''

''I hope it's not about my parents. I don't want to cause you trouble.''

''N no, I'm fine. It's nothing.'' I smiled, veiling the real reason behind my expressions.

''Ivana, shall we head to bed?'' Tristan called from the across the room.


''Goodnight James. See you tomorrow.''

As I ambled to the bedroom, I crept beside Tristan, and cuddled his tender body. Nixie was on the bed opposite us. Gently, he kissed my forehead, before his eyes closed into a deep slumber. Again, I couldn't sleep, as the feeling continued to eat me. What does this mean? Why am I feeling like this? Could the demons be attacking again? AAH. I don't know! My body howled, distressed.


Sorry its a tad short. Will update soon though // If you've come this far, I love you and I can't thank you enough. Thank you for always supporting me, it means a tonne.


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