11. Now's Not The Right Time.

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Later that evening, I decided to take a stroll, around the palace. The night was brisk and quiet, as I wandered through the mesmerising kingdom. But, as I continued to walk further, I heard voices. Echoes, screaming my name - as if I were being summoned. My head, pounded with affliction, as the calls became louder. Ouch! Stop! I yelled.

Suddenly, my right leg, began to tingle. As I lifted my overlay, I noticed the mark was burning. It was glowing and emitting a bright orange gleam. What the heck!

''Ivana, are you ok?'' Audrey came running towards me.

Great! Did she have to be here?

Soon, the burning sensations had faded, as my mind became clear of the voices.

''Yes, I'm fine. Why are you here?''

''I decided to take a walk and I thought I heard you yelling. Are you sure you're ok?''

''No, that wasn't me. I'm fine.'' I lied.


''So, why are you taking a walk? Is everything ok?''

''I guess so. I don't know. I feel like Tristan seems distracted. Every time I go close to him, he says he wants to be left alone.''

''I'm sorry to hear that. Just talk to him. I'm sure he loves you.''

''Yeah, maybe your right. Thank you.''

''No worries.''

As Audrey headed back inside, I continued to walk on. Tristan seems distracted? Why? I hope it's not because of me... Or, when he asked me that question last night. Why are men so complicated? I huffed.

As time ticked by, I returned to my chamber. My body was fatigued, from all the horse riding and travelling. I needed rest however, much to my dismay, I remained conscious. My body wouldn't allow me to sleep. I needed my energy to refuel, before I continued to journey further. Should I wake Nixie? No, she must be sleeping. I don't want to disturb her. My mind floated elsewhere, as I wandered about the voices in my head. What does this mean? What is happening to me? I thought, gallingly.

I paced, back and forth, inside the four walls of my chamber. I was restless. I needed answers but, how? Answers about the voices. Answers about my mark. Answers about my feelings for Tristan. AHH.

Just as I was about to lose my mind, I heard a gentle knock, on my door. Who could it be, at this hour?  I moseyed towards the large door, and rasped it open.

''Tristan? What are you doing here?'' I asked, surprised.

''I need to talk to you.''

''Now's not a good time.''

''Please.'' He pleaded.

I wanted to allow him entry but, my state of mind, was poisoned. I couldn't let him find out about the voices or, the fact that my mark began to burn. What do I do?

''Tristan, I'm sorry. We'll speak tomorrow.'' I sighed.

''No, I want to speak to you now.''

''Look, I'm quite tired so, I'm going to rest.''

''I know you're not tired. Don't lie to me.''

Why is he so stubborn?

''Fine!'' I snarled.

''Thank you.''

He barged through the door and took a seat on my bed. I couldn't help but, feel apprehensive. What did he want to talk about? I sat beside him, and the unease had revisited.

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