28. Kingdom Of Morpheus.

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''How are you feeling?'' Tristan asked, as we galloped further into the early evening.

''I'm ok. Thanks for asking.''

''I still can't believe James is your brother.'' Nixie commented.

''Me either. I can't believe mother lied to me. Anyway, I don't want to talk about this further. I must focus on defeating these demons.''

''As you wish princess.''

After hours of riding and fatigue, we observed the dark, cruel air - which lingered around us. The atmosphere became eerie, icy and alarming. That could have only meant one thing... We were here. We had arrived at the kingdom of Morpheus.

The surroundings were filled with charcoal ashes, dead corpses and other deceased bones. It smelt of decay and rot, as we neared the kingdom's borders. Dying trees, crispy flowers and a dark grey moon. There wasn't a speck of sunlight shining, anywhere.

The kingdom was in the shape of a large skull - which slept on a bed of snowy mountains. It was almost, cave-like. The entire kingdom was eclipse and gloomy - which was filled with thousands of demonic shadows.

''If I'm correct, we've arrived at Morpheus?'' Nixie said, a little startled.

''Yes. We're here.'' I replied.

''This place is spookier in reality.'' Tristan said.

''I know. Come here, let's take shelter over there. We'll enter the kingdom at dawn.'' I instructed.

''Good idea but, what if we're seen?''

''Nixie's right. How about we put an invisibility spell around us? I'm sure it will last the night.'' Tristan told.

''Your right. Great idea.''

As we got off our horses, I began to put a protection spell around us. Hopefully, it would stop any demons, from smelling our presence. The horses were tired so, they fell into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, we made a small fire, enough to keep us alive.

''Are we going to visit Helios first?'' Tristan asked.

''Yes. I might negotiate with him first but, if not, we attack. The sooner we kill the demons, the weaker he'll become. Then, I'll finish him off. Single combat...''

''Sounds dangerous. But, we're here to help.'' Nixie said.

''I'm sorry you both got involved. This was never your battle.''

''Ivana, what are you saying. I was with you from the very beginning and I will be with you, till the end.'' Tristan replied, whilst holding my hand.

''Me too. Sisters never abandon each other.''

''Thank you. It means a lot.'' I smile, pondering about the future.

''I guess this is it. Our journey ends here. After we defeat the demons, there will finally be peace.'' Nixie spoke.

''No, this is where our journey begins. Here, I want both of you to stand up.'' I told.


''Just stand up, please.''

As they both stood up, I retrieved the phoenix sword, and placed it on each of their chests. I recited a few incantations and within moments, a beam of gold light, shot out of their bodies. I continued chanting and pressed the sword deeper until, the light had stopped.

''What was that?'' They both inquired.

''The strongest protection spell, anyone could have ever cast. You'll never get hurt now. I needed closure that you were both safe - even when I wasn't around.''

''Thank you but, what about yourself?''

''I'll be fine Tristan. Trust me.''

''Thank you, Ivana.''

''No problem, Nix. I love you both, so much. I want you to remember that.''

As our emotions became heightened, we all came in for a group hug. There were tears of distress and fear but, there was also feelings of strength, as we collided as one. This was it. Perhaps, our last moments together. Perhaps, our last moments of rest, for a while. This is where my destiny had begun...

''I love you both. Obviously, Tristan, in a brotherly way but, I love you both nevertheless.'' Nixie cried, with a few giggles of laughter.

''Love you too.'' We chanted back.

''Come on, let's get some rest. Tomorrow is where it all begins. We need the energy we can get and who knows, it may be our last rest for a while.'' I advised.

I tucked myself beside Tristan, as we gleamed into one another's eyes. He placed his cool, tender hands, onto the edges of my waist. Our faces were moments apart, to the extent our breaths began to collide. I could see a few freckles on Tristan's' face, details I had never noticed before. We were so close; our hearts began speaking to one another. We were lost into each other's gazes until, Tristan spoke.

''I love you. I didn't think it was possible to find true love but, I was wrong. Ivana Everly, I love you with my every breath, heart beat and body.'' His lips worded.

''I love you too. Tristan Knight, you are my first love, and you shall be my last.''

He brought his rouge lips close and instantly, they entwined with mine. He held onto my bare cheeks, and kissed deeper. Passion escaped our souls as intimacy entered our bodies. His kiss was different than any other. His touch was filled with pain, fear and heartbreak. I knew he didn't want me battling the demons, I knew he feared losing me.

Still, I grasped his musky, blonde hair into my palms, and pressed harder. Heavens knew, this may have been our last kiss. As we retreated from our moment of desire, I saw tears trickle down his beautiful face. I leaned my face closer, and wiped away his fears.

''Tristan, I promise I won't leave you.'' I whispered.

''I know you are strong and powerful. I know you can win this battle, Ivana. I love you too much, it hurts.'' He cried, quietly.

''I love you too. Have faith in me. I'll be ok.''

''I do. The only reason I'm keeping myself alive, is because I'm hoping you'll win and return to me.''

''Sh, I'll return to you. You have my word. Come, let's sleep. I want to hold you close.''

We huddled a little closer, and instantaneously, fell into a deep, painful sleep. Dawn was hours away. I could sense the evil moving close. The battle was nearing...


What do you think will happen next? Do you think Ivana will win this battle and succeed in killing her own father? Please vote and comment :)


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