26. Liar.

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Should I go after him? No, he needs to think and put everything together himself. I can't imagine what he must be going through. My mind, wailed. Immediately, I began to pack my things and thereafter, headed downstairs. My mind was expressionless. I felt like a piece of my soul, had been torn and shredded into dozens. I wasn't over the fact that mother lied to me about father but, lying about my BROTHER, was wickeder.

As I continued to thoroughly ponder about this savage truth, I didn't realise Nixie and Tristan had returned. I unacknowledged their presence, as they greeted me repeatedly.

''Earth to Ivana!'' Nixie yelled.

Still, I refused to reply. My mind lingered in another dimension, as tears began to roll down my throbbing face. Something hurt, severely. Perhaps, it was my broken heart or, my shredded soul. I still couldn't digest the truth that I had come to learn.

''IVANA!'' They chanted louder.

''Sorry. What were you saying?''

''What happened to you. You frightened us.'' Nixie bellowed.

''Ivana, we've been yelling for the past fifteen minutes. What happened?''

Despite my efforts of replying, the words refused to escape my lips. Instead, my eyes bawled of tears of hurt, as I held my face in my sweaty palms. Tristan held me in his arms, as Nixie, too, came closer. Their faces were painted with worry, upon seeing my plight.

''Ivana, what happened?'' Tristan asked.

''I've had enough. She's a liar!''

''Who?'' Nixie questioned.

''Mother, who else! SHE LIED ABOUT MY FATHER AND NOW... SHE LIED ABOUT JAMES!'' I screeched.

''Whoa, calm down. What about James?''

''JAMES IS MY BROTHER. SHE LIED... AGAIN!" I cried. This time, harder.

''James is your brother? But, how?''

''I don't know Tristan. I JUST DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE!''

''Shh, come here sister. I'm so sorry you had to find out this way. Are you definitely sure?'' Nixie consoled me with a sisterly hug.

''Yes. Mother had left him a small key token and when I saw it, it matched with my necklace. It had the royal seal of Aereth on it and contained a small scripture. IT'S THE TRUTH!''

''Where is James?'' Tristan asked.

''He went to clear his head. I can't imagine what state he's in.'' I sobbed, further.

''Shh. I'll go and find him.'' Tristan said.

''Nixie, how could mother lie to me like this? I thought she was better than this.''

''I don't know. There must be a reason.''

''I don't care what the reasons are, how dare she lie to me about my father and brother! She's the real demon here!'' I screamed, painfully.

''Shh, it's alright. Let's go to the bedroom and talk. When Tristan brings James back, we'll discuss what we'll do.''

I nodded in reply. Nixie held my arms, as we walked up the few stairs. As I entered the bedroom, I lay on the bed and stared into nothing. Again, I had zoned off. James, I hope you're ok. I prayed, whilst waiting for his arrival.

''Nix, will James will be here soon?'' I asked a few moments later.

''Yes, he'll be here soon. I promise.''

''We need to leave soon...'' I sulked.

''I know... Don't worry, we'll get through this.''


I know its short but, I'm updating it soon x Please vote and comment guys!


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